Lucky you weren't taken hostage
They already doWill they have to have there own reqs
My understanding of UK politics is somewhere between sketchy and non-existant but the way I understood it was that these new offers in Scotlands favour were already approved and signed and couldn't be reneged upon.
The average cost to Tesco to ship a can of beans will be higher in Scotland than it would be in the rest of the UK. Being a separate country, Tesco will be able to charge more in Scottish stores.
Theoretically this should mean prices in the streamlined UK should fall, but I can't see that happening.
aye i ca nae see why they let me leaveLucky you weren't taken hostage
I'm due to vote tomorrow and I still am not 100% sure what way to go. I'll probably vote no. I dont like alex salmond or the majority of the people on the yes team and I dont think that they have been clear enough or answered all the questions asked. On the other side I feel that Scotland is more than capable of being independant and offer a lot to the UK economy and should have more of a say on our own affairs. Some of the underhand tactic from the yes campaign have been shocking, and they seem to want to make out that if you vote no then you are not Scottish. But again tonight I got an email from my employer which was supposed to detail the impact a yes vote would have on the company but actually ended up tearing into the yes campaign and was not about the company. There have been so many conflicting arguments on both sides which make the decision very difficult. As i said earlier I am leaning to the no side and will prob vote for this but some of the comments coming from down south are very narrow minded, to say basically the Scottish can f**k off and crash and burn is not helpful and that the rest of the UK should be worried if there is a yes vote as Scotland play a larger part and contribute far more to the union than we are given credit for.
On the opposite side of the planet we don't get much info on this so I might have got the wrong end of the stick but from what I see whichever way the Scots vote they've won. Surely with all the new agreements that have been signed and stamped there's no way they can lose, whichever way the vote goes they've got more independence and autonomy than ever before and likewise whichever way the vote goes England or whatever it is that remains of the union will lose.
Reply to the thread, titled "scotland again" which is posted in Electrician Talk Forum on Electricians Forums.