alarm man
Surely a dedicated fire panel would have a back up battery similar to an intruder alarm system??
surely it wont be long before fire alarms with dedicated panels are standard in homes as commercial properties,i do fire and security ,and alot of houses i go to have dedicated fire panels,theres some neat 2 zone panels out there,personally i wouldnt rely on mains smokes or heats the sound output is poor for one then the low battery problems where some people just disconnect the thing weve all seen the stories,at least with a fire panel it will beep non stop if you diss a detector,ive got fire detectors in every room linked to my intruder alarm with seperate sounders for fire..next time i decorate im putting in a fire panel..its the future. suprised more sparks are not pricing for it.as every one wants an intruder alarm,its the fire alarm they really need..