SolarImmersion (http://solarimmersion.co.uk) is having a special offer now - Price is only £199 (was £249) !! may be the best time to buy it http://solarimmersion.co.uk
I have a home constructed controller for our PV system. Its basic but does work. I'm using three 400 volt, 55 micro farad capacitor with each controlled by a 24 volt dc, 25 amp relay. By selecting one in series with the immersion heater element we get approx. 400watts two 800 and three 1200 watt going to our immersion heater. Originally we had a 110 volt site transformer, I thought how much heat energy is being loss in the TX cores and windings and caps have no heat loss if they are not faulty. Three low voltage switch manually operated as and when required. I have clip on ammeter around the meter tails as an indicator. I have a question and would like to satisfy my mind, should a contactor disconnect the mains from the PV system when my/our system is connected to the immersion heater element. I'm never sure that we are taking energy from the mains. Your comments would be much appreciated. John
By using the Xc component its act as a loss dropper without the heat loss.