As you are in business, you will understand that if you borrow the money at a decent rate and what you spend it on earns you more than the repayments then it is a win win situation.
PV will do this for you, IE 10% return borrow at 4%, that leaves you 6% to pay of the capital, FIT is index linked, and there is only one way energy prices are going, so if the sums add up in year one then they will only improve for you year on year.
Due to your outlined circumstances get the largest system that money/space/ and the DNO(people that own the grid) will allow.
As to the heating, have you looked at Airsource heatpumps? Installed and designed correctly they do work really well, thermodynamics are still an unknown, most of the industry is skeptical about there performance claims, but there again there are many that say that ground/airsource heatpumps do not work, which I can assure you is totally incorrect, I have seen many that have been running for long periods now and are out performing anything else in the market place, they have not all been without their initial problems though, but were install/design faults.
You do have to invest to save, if the government back their Greendeal scheme, (pay the loan off with the savings even with rates as high as 7-10%, you can certainly do it better yourself with the correct advice.
I hope this helps.
PV will do this for you, IE 10% return borrow at 4%, that leaves you 6% to pay of the capital, FIT is index linked, and there is only one way energy prices are going, so if the sums add up in year one then they will only improve for you year on year.
Due to your outlined circumstances get the largest system that money/space/ and the DNO(people that own the grid) will allow.
As to the heating, have you looked at Airsource heatpumps? Installed and designed correctly they do work really well, thermodynamics are still an unknown, most of the industry is skeptical about there performance claims, but there again there are many that say that ground/airsource heatpumps do not work, which I can assure you is totally incorrect, I have seen many that have been running for long periods now and are out performing anything else in the market place, they have not all been without their initial problems though, but were install/design faults.
You do have to invest to save, if the government back their Greendeal scheme, (pay the loan off with the savings even with rates as high as 7-10%, you can certainly do it better yourself with the correct advice.
I hope this helps.