Thanks for your continued interest.
My system is 16 x 235W Romag panels in a single string to the SE4000 inverter. When it failed on Sunday at 18:50 panels 2, 4, 5, 10, 14, 15 and 16 had stopped communicating. There was only 10V DC when I checked Monday morning using the inverter display. I rang Spirit Solar who contacted SolarEdge and the system was reset (software or firmware reloaded) and it sprang back into life at 13:52 Monday. Worked fine all day Tuesday until 19:48 when it lost contact with some of the panels again. Phoned Spirit Solar again Wednesday and I noticed around lunch time the inverter was trying to function but kept failing.
I assume SolarEdge were again trying to reload the software/firmware again. Got a call back from Spirit Solar to say a new digital board was required and was being sent to them on Friday and they would fit as soon as they received it.
However, I was concerned that what seemed to be a repeat of the same fault had a different fix, so I rang SolarEdge direct and they rechecked my system and sent me this email.
I checked your site, the Inveter is not producing , due to low DC voltage from the panels, You need to contact Sprit Solar , they need to check the voltage of the panles string an find , the faulty one. They can contact us in case the need help.
Current status is half the panels last communicated yesterday and some today, but panel 14 has not communicated since 01/05/2012.
Two alerts have now appeared on my monitor from yesterday.
1, Inverter energy below threshold, less than 10Wh in last day.
2, Optimizer shut down, No measurement received from panel 14 in the last two days.
I will contact Spirit Solar on Tuesday with the new information, but I thought that all SolarEdge inverters were being monitored centrally and they would have known about this already. Also I was lead to believe that this may have been as a result of a recent firmware/software upgrade a short while back. But if so why only me.
My thoughts are water in panel 14 control box and a new digital board will do nothing.
Kind regards, Trader9.