Just thought i'd share something that maybe all of us should probably think on from time to time... was just talking to a good mate of mine who works in the industry, he was on some steps at work last week, leant across on them a bit too far to reach, he ended up severely breaking his back.. he was in hospital for a week before coming home today and being placed on a bed rest where he's gonna be for quite a while..I really hope he will recover enough so he can get back to work fully... it just really made me think about my own ladder/step safety when i'm at work, not gonna lie I have taken what seemed like small risks in the past (leaning way over the edge to reach something, when I should have just got down, moved the ladder and continued working) but have gotten away with it. Maybe sometimes we can all get too complacent with steps and take shortcuts to save on a few seconds..? Just a thought guys... have a good day