Deleted member 26818
Still wondering why you are considering providing 30mA RCD protection for the SWA cable.
Have you thought of moling it in ?
Not sure what the going rate is to hire one as we own all ours but i think it could be around the £100 mark , if they want you to magic the cable in then they have got to pay Merlin prices !
Amazing!!! Wetting myself laughing! I'm gonna nick that for when I next get a customer who wants a magician
Still wondering why you are considering providing 30mA RCD protection for the SWA cable.
I would suggest that you consider Section 314 of BS7671.
For instance have you taken account of any danger that may present if there is loss of lighting in the shed?
Do you consider that your proposal minimises inconvenience in the event of a fault?
It appears from your reply, that you intend providing two methods of additional protection to the distribution circuit, and have not considered the implications, or whether your proposals may entail the non-compliance with other requirements of BS7671.
I would consider it to be more inconvenient to traipse 10 - 15 meters back to the house to reset an RCD as opposed to resetting an RCD in the shed.
What you agree with Ackbarthestar, that the RCD protection should be in the shed by means of RCBOs protecting the final circuits?If it were a small workshop or garden office or a self employed mechanics garage etc etc you get the picture I could fully understand all the discussions taking place but a garden shed , storage for garden tools and lawn mower, am with Ackbarthestar on this occasion.
Just my opinion chaps.