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Thing is though I've had tutor marked assesment up to module 11 and I've passed all of them. Some of the questions in the pre attendance test where read these two statements and then pick which answers best for the statements ie 1 is correct and 2 is incorrect etc. I actually thought I did pretty well but obviously not. Hey ho il have another read of the two documents from hse and take a re test in 7 days. Just hate the feeling of falling behind

I too have tried this test 2 times now and failed both attempts. They are worded so badly that sometimes I spend more time trying to understand the statements than I do actually processing theanswers in my head.

Iv been doing some research and I’ve just finished readingthrough 13 pages of a plumbing forum which goes on about this exact situationwith train4trades. (im with train4jobs which are most likely a sister companyof some kind) I
have to admit it’s not agood read and has left me very disheartened about the whole course. Itappears the course is near on impossible to pass as a delay tactic, then youwill get a written test which is more of an assignment than a test and is basedaround Risk assessment’s etc. The whole process of failing the online tests andhaving to wait 7 days between and completing and passing the assignment whichis weeks and weeks of work plus the posting of h written assignment etc can take you upto 10 weeks.

I am a very patient person and I will put in as much work aspossible, however it seems there is a rotten agenda to these types of course’s.

Personally I took this route because I’m 33, have 2 kids, a mortgage and amdesperate to learn a trade iv always wanted to do and earn a liveable wagedoing so. I also could do the course in my spare time as I carried on workingin my current (crap) job. It seems I am a prime candidate.

I’m very unmotivated at the moment but I have to pick myselfup and keep trying with this course. I have no other option. I have a familythat rely on me.

If anyone could share light on experiences with these typesof course’s and any help/advice I think we would all be very very grateful

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Doing the same course mate but with trades gateway distant college. Just spoke to my tutors after failing first time explained exactly what you just said and he said to attempt a second go amd then call and he will try and get paper test sent out quicker. I've already been delayed 6 weeks waiting for books. Im going to take photos on my phone of each question on my second test and when I call them I'm going to read some of them back to them amd tell them what I answered and see what they say that way. I'm a site supervisor for a drainage company and health and safety is my bread and butter and I shouldn't have failed this. Got me really down. My tutor actually said I wonder if I could pass it. I believe from reading it's to delay you until you have paid a certain amount. When was your start date and how many monthly payments have you paid. I've only paid 7 and 8 next week. Some people say that once you have paid over so mich you will pass it
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I’ve only paid 3! So I’ve got a long wait ahead if that’s thecase. So when the guy said I can do the course at my pace, he lied.

Im not sure what I do to be honest. Patrick you must be atthe same point as me? Is it with train4jobs?

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No mine is with trades gateway and I've just completed module 11 I'm doing full scope how are you at the pre attendance test already after only 3 months. Are you only part defined scope. It's taken me around 7 months to do upto module 11. As there was a massive book to read.
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iv completed 9 TMA up to now and failed the online assessment twice. Iv took screen shots of the questions to try and research them but if what your saying is true I doubt very much that I will pass within my 4 attempts even if I got 100% :-o how would we ever know seems there is no feedback on it whatsoever!

I ding

C&G 235 both level 2 and level 3, although iv emailed them today because I want to make sure they will provide me with the practical to pass level 3.

C&G 2382 – 17[SUP]th[/SUP] edition
IET wiring regs
C&G 2392
C&G 2394
C&G 2395
BPEC full scope

iv also asked them this direct question

“once I complete and finish the course will I be a qualifieddomestic electrician”

“will I be able to apply for roles advertising for aqualified electrician”

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It would be good to hear their response, but just so you know;

The chances are with any reputable company you will not be classed as a qualified Electrician without the C&G (or EAL) NVQ in Electrotechnical systems (2357). You will definitely not be classed by JIB as a qualified Electrician so therefore will not be able to get the "Electrician" ECS card which a lot of Construction sites require.

Good luck

As as far as I was sold it, The course was training me to be a qualified electrician. If they cannot provide me with official certification to say I am qualified then it's not and never was the right course for me. I want to be a qualified electrician and become employed.

Lets ts see what they say
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I getvthe nvq included at there construction company

I would check that Patrick. I was told the same thing at thestage of signing up but now they are saying to complete my level 3 I will haveto demonstrate to an nvq assessor at a workplace that I will have to find. Ispecifically remember being shown a booklet which had pictures of a recentrenovation that all of the nvq guys did on all of the courses they offer
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Oh dear this sounds all too familiar, doesn't it Patrick? I did try to warn and I hope for your sake I am wrong.

That reads a little smug eodneil.

I think like Patrick I am trying to be positive and to believe it is not A con and more a misunderstanding. At the end of the day if the course only provides me with level 2 and some parts of level 3 and then I have to sort my own practicals out a workplace then I will have to do it. I can't give up on the course because of that. I have a mortgage and 2 kids/wife dependant on me becomin qualified. I can't leave the course because I am signed up

What other options are there?
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I don't mean to come across like an idiot, but on another topic probably about a month ago I warned Patrick that what they had promised him in regards to the NVQ and putting him on a work placement was to good to be true, but he chose to ignore my comments, even though I am an experienced FE College Lecturer and Assessor.

I understand that what you are saying and my comment was not aimed at you. I teach adults ranging from 24 to 50 years old every day who are in similar circumstances to you.

As I said on an earlier post good luck with it all.

was you warning him after he had signed up ir prior?

If I had been wise enough to post on hear prior then I would probably have taken more time deciding if it was the right direction towards becoming an electrician.

Maybe he's in a situation where he wants to hear a positive way forward, like me :)
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Ok here's what they've said on the phone.

iv signed up for a level 2 and some units of level 3.

to be classed as a fully qualified electrician I will have to do te level 3 with themselves or another course provider.

i explained that I was told there would be some practical training at the end to complete level 3 but she said that's only with plumbing. They do offer a level 3 course which involves 4 more weeks practical training and 4 more tutor marked assignments.

im really not sure what to do.

can anybody help? I believe I have enough ground to leave the course. If I did what other options are there for me to train to become an electrician based on the fact I can't leave my current job?

any help would be greatly appreciated
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just so you know, iv passed the Health and safety pre attendance test on my 3rd attempt and iv only made 4 payments. Maybe the test isn't a stalling tactic until you've paid enough and is actually a real exam to make sure you know your s**t when it comes to health and safety
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ive taken test 4 times now and written a very snotty email asking question about the question and not heard anything back i been told my the tutor team they will help me do the paper part of the same test i wil have to wait for the post man with the test
hi guys they sent me back my test paper with it marked if anyone needs any advise let me know and im off to fetherstone in may i was supposed to be on it this week i had to cancel due to work but they booked me in again for may
Yes , please help me !!! Am going insane with this one ..
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ive just bloody failed this. with trades gateway and i dont know what i failed on please help me its doing my nut in gotta wait 7 days is well
Feeling your pain bud , I'm training with them too, I'm starting to go blind .... Had paper part for a couple of months now as I pretty much gave up and started to wave good by to the money I paid . Need to try and do this ..
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There are many questions where both statements are correct but you have to choose whether they are linked or not. like obviously they are because its all health and safety but at what point do they consider it linked?
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Hi i know this is a old thread, but i already have a ECS card and am doing the T4TS course, wil the ECS cover me for the pre attendance Health & safety test ?
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Can anyone offer some advice/help on this (i've messaged you gazdkw82), i've tried this exam and blimey, even with my prior H&S knowledge and experience in part of the industry i failed and obviously don't know by how much. I've probably paid on a 1/3 (i know quite slow) and im getting anxious with only a year and a half to try and smash through this course, which i know i can. If anyone can help i would be most appreciated, i wouldn't care if it was spoon fed, i have read through all the material but blimey the exam is just stupid considering. Thanks all! I can resit it on the 15/03/17 but i want to make sure this next time i pass it!
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Can anyone offer some advice/help on this (i've messaged you gazdkw82), i've tried this exam and blimey, even with my prior H&S knowledge and experience in part of the industry i failed and obviously don't know by how much. I've probably paid on a 1/3 (i know quite slow) and im getting anxious with only a year and a half to try and smash through this course, which i know i can. If anyone can help i would be most appreciated, i wouldn't care if it was spoon fed, i have read through all the material but blimey the exam is just stupid considering. Thanks all! I can resit it on the 15/03/17 but i want to make sure this next time i pass it!

EDIT: Spoke to customer services, sounds like alot of people have a problem with this exam, she literally said just keep trying and if you fail you'll get the paper one sent out to you after the 3rd/4th attempt. Apparently it is the hardest aspect of this course and people do struggle like myself. Sounds retarded though, she stated they enforce the test, but they don't know what people fail on or how to pass it, just it's a pass/fail exam. Wait till the 15th and try again!! let's hope! :)
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I'm starting my C&G 2365 level 2 & 3 at Trade skills 4 U in a couple of weeks. I've been hammering through the prep as the course is 10 weeks on level 2 and 6 weeks on level 3 (full time).

I will complete this course in October and...
  • I will still need to build up a portfolio of work over 18 months or more to submit for the NVQ qualification (NVQ Assessor cost?).
  • I will also need to get the testing qualifications (C&G 2394 & 2395 - £1300?), and
  • I will then need to complete the AM2 to become a qualified electrician (£595 + poss recap course).

This process will take me a good couple of years and that is if I get a job straight after I complete the 2365.

This will cost me well over £8k to do. There are cheaper courses out there, but you will still have to complete the above to become an electrician.

If you don't have the time or money to do the fast track course... You can do all these qualifications with most local colleges on an evening study basis. I can guarantee you'll get a better education than some questionable company that promises the ECS Card before you've even got halfway!
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I'm starting my C&G 2365 level 2 & 3 at Trade skills 4 U in a couple of weeks. I've been hammering through the prep as the course is 10 weeks on level 2 and 6 weeks on level 3 (full time).

I will complete this course in October and...
  • I will still need to build up a portfolio of work over 18 months or more to submit for the NVQ qualification (NVQ Assessor cost?).
  • I will also need to get the testing qualifications (C&G 2394 & 2395 - £1300?), and
  • I will then need to complete the AM2 to become a qualified electrician (£595 + poss recap course).

This process will take me a good couple of years and that is if I get a job straight after I complete the 2365.

This will cost me well over £8k to do. There are cheaper courses out there, but you will still have to complete the above to become an electrician.

If you don't have the time or money to do the fast track course... You can do all these qualifications with most local colleges on an evening study basis. I can guarantee you'll get a better education than some questionable company that promises the ECS Card before you've even got halfway!

I don't mean to sound harsh, I really did go the wrong way with going by this company, but im doing it and i'll try my best to see it thrugh, i'll be same position as you by the end. but only having to do my NVQ and AM2. i was looking for some help with this pre-attendance course, but appears no-one who has currently done it/doing it is about! Ahh! That does sound alot quicker and good though. I was going to go that route if im honest but the cost put me off, no im kind of regreting and wish i could cancel with Trades Gateway and just go do my 17th edition/Inspection & Testing/PAT testing and just go get experience on the job. Live and let learn though (a costly 6,500 lesson :p )
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I don't mean to sound harsh, I really did go the wrong way with going by this company, but im doing it and i'll try my best to see it thrugh, i'll be same position as you by the end. but only having to do my NVQ and AM2. i was looking for some help with this pre-attendance course, but appears no-one who has currently done it/doing it is about! Ahh! That does sound alot quicker and good though. I was going to go that route if im honest but the cost put me off, no im kind of regreting and wish i could cancel with Trades Gateway and just go do my 17th edition/Inspection & Testing/PAT testing and just go get experience on the job. Live and let learn though (a costly 6,500 lesson :p )

I really did need help with this pre-attendance test though, after that apparently it's pretty clean sailing there's no more stupid exams like this one, but they said 7 days each time you fail so a minimum of 28days to pass it then a paper exam sent out to do it. I only have 14months left to finish it!
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I just wanted to stress the process, as some of these companies pretend you'll be allowed to go out on your own straight out of the course. I still haven't been able to confirm what I can do with the level 3 and 2357 bridging unit :fearscream::laughing:

I had a look at their website and i think its quite cheeky they put, as you'll still need the NVQ portfolio.

On successful completion of the course you would be able, legally and safely, to work as a qualified electrical installer / electrician, either in your own business or for a company.

As for the H&S test. I'd take photos of the questions and your answers and put pressure them for answers.
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