ive been working on a contactor at work, found the old 1 had welded it self together, giving an incorrect signal to the running lamp back in the control room as the auxilary contactors werent disengaging completly.ive since changed the contactor and i think ive installed a duff contactor unit as the coil wont pull in the contactor, i wont to check the coil to make sure its nackerd, im just wandering what sort of resistance i should get across the coil which would indicate either a bad or good value. ive double checked all my connection and they are all good and correct, you can actually here the contactor trying to pull in but it just wont which makes me think the coil is duff.
the contactor is 3 phase, 415v, 110Amp. and the coil is 110v,
thanks for any help.
cheers Dave
the contactor is 3 phase, 415v, 110Amp. and the coil is 110v,
thanks for any help.
cheers Dave
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