This whole part p thing improves nothing,my mate was having an extension built and they were doing the lot,anyway i went round and was looking at the wiring they had removed an existing socket front and crimped 2 legs onto the ends to feed all the sockets on that side,the crimps were all bunched together and wrapped with tape,nothing run in safe zones,on another wall they had removed the socket that was in the middle of the wall and ran a cable from this to a socket about 600mm to the left of it they then ran a cable from here to another socket 600mm on the other side of centre,then a cable from this back to centre to complete the ring.Again the cables were crimped and taped and due to be plastered in.Apparently the building inspector had seen this and said it was ok,bear in mind that the same inspector did not seem concerned that the 2 new walls were not tied in to the original structure.I advised him to ring BC and get them out again,I await the outcome with interest.