The heat
is magicked from the compressor, from the heat of compression. Imagine a bicycle pump, why do these get hot in use? kinetic energy to heat enegry.
All the evaporator plate/panal is for is to allow the refrigerant to boil and change state from a liquid to a gas, so that the vapour compression cycle can start again.
The gas does not care weather it is 10 deg C, 50 deg C or -10 deg C as long as it can change state in there.
I will try to simplify Jason's explanation:
When a fridge (which is essentially what these are) is switched off the gas in side them will be in a saturated condition; part liquid, part gas.
When we switch it on here's what happens, the compressor starts and does what it does i.e. compresses the gas in the system, as the gas is compressed it heats up and comes out of the compressor in the hot gas discharge line. It is this hot gas line that wraps around the cylinder full of cold water, as the heat flows from the hot gas to the cold water obviously the gas cools down, and then condenses from a gas into a liquid.
The trouble now is that we have liquid refrigerant that we need to turn back into a gas so that it can be compressed again. Then we can utilize the heat of compression to heat our bloody water up. Are you all with me so far???
To do this we send the liquid refrigerant through an expansion valve that will allow the liquid to expand and lower its pressure (think spraying mister muscle in the kitchen) this happens just before the evaporator (the panel), now that the liquid refrigerant is in small particles, like a mist, it will now boil/evaporate easily back into a gas using any heat around as long as it is above the gases boiling point of -26 deg C.
The process can start again..
It's all clear in my head:sifone:, I hope it will help someone understand it all a bit better.