hi guys just wanted to know if anybody has had there results in yet iam pappin it sittin waiting for the postie is driving me nuts good luck everybody
hi mate well still waiting very nervously , but just realized ive been added to the electricians arms so thats cheered me up so cheers to the moderator that added me
dont do that its worth more to me than the studying non stop for over 4 months every day all day and night plus the 2 months tomorrow of waiting for the results, thinking oh god if ive failed i will av to do it all over again I used to have black hair now its white lol not to mention the cost if i have to do it again the mrs will kill me
yeah mate me to just want to find out one way or the other its two months today a joke i keep grabbing a book to read but its always on my head have i havent i if its a fail then like you i can get my head stuck in the books and book a resitJust wish they would hurry up I want to consolidate and start revising again or celebrate think it will be the fore mentioned..
yeah mate me to just want to find out one way or the other its two months today a joke i keep grabbing a book to read but its always on my head have i havent i if its a fail then like you i can get my head stuck in the books and book a resit
How many of you have had there results posted to them please
Ive contacted my tutor but he must be on his hols as he hasnt replied usually he replies straight away almost I have not rang just contacted him direct by email if it doesnt come tomorrow i will try ringing but i dont think the college is open not sure though there was only 9 on the course and a extra guy who was doing a resitBrucelee and Crags, what are your training providers saying when you call them?
It's just not on that you're still waiting, it takes about a minute and a half to log onto the City & Guilds Walled Garden and read off the results!
If you're not getting past the admin of your provider, have a word with your tutor and see if he can pull a few strings.