lol the worst company EVER, best feeling was after being temporary laid off for nearly 2 months then a phone call on the friday telling me to be available for a job on the monday, told em to stick it as they still owed me fuel money from 3 months previous, suddenly money appeared in bank about £300 quid, said cheers and stick the job .. well you can drive 3 hrs for a final interview and drop the van off and tools.. really!!! any more fuel money, ?? thought not.. I never got sacked I left because they where so unbelievably dodgy, I still cant get over why I stayed so long constanstly fighting for fuel money and cock ups with pay, not because of remedials just missing days, not paying holidays, jobs not accounted for, oh the endless stress, ... Now though, have quit the trade and work for a company that pays me every week and I even get a payslip every time without fail.. Get away from warmfront and all the corruption that resides with it....