not in to this sort of thing guys, could someone explain primary and secondary injection?
Many thanks.
Large ACB’s, OCB’s, VCB’s, Etc have CT’s to give a ratio of the current to the protection instruments. So a 200/5 CT will give 5A to the instrument when 200A is flowing through the main circuit. They also isolate the HV from the instrument.
So to set 200A O/L's at 125% with primary injection a current of 250A would be passed through the primary and the trip time measured. With secondary injection only 6.25A is needed. Further tests would be carried out at higher currents to check the current/time curve.
Now imagine primary testing a 1600A breaker, 125% = 2000A. I don’t even want to think of testing a 6000A breaker.
The primary injection equipment is hefty to say the least hence my reference to ordering a Dr. Scrotes surgical support. An absolute pain to connect up as Engineer said!
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