hi guys
Need a little help, not done much work on TT supply systems. Have a job lined up to supply an outbuilding from the main house TT supply. Customer wants a seperate sub main to supply the outbuilding. plan on running the submain as per usual ( split tails via henly then into switch fuse(metal clad) then to outbuilding using SWA. i intend to protect the submain via a 100ma type s RCD. now comes the problem, where to place the RCD protection for the submain. is it best to place it on the incoming tails before the henly block, or between the henly block and the switchfuse for the submain. note final circuits in outbuilding will have 30ma rcd proctection.
any help appreciated.
Need a little help, not done much work on TT supply systems. Have a job lined up to supply an outbuilding from the main house TT supply. Customer wants a seperate sub main to supply the outbuilding. plan on running the submain as per usual ( split tails via henly then into switch fuse(metal clad) then to outbuilding using SWA. i intend to protect the submain via a 100ma type s RCD. now comes the problem, where to place the RCD protection for the submain. is it best to place it on the incoming tails before the henly block, or between the henly block and the switchfuse for the submain. note final circuits in outbuilding will have 30ma rcd proctection.
any help appreciated.