Can anyone help me understand Zs values.
In the On-Site-Guide page 60 Table 7.1 under the heading Maximum cable length, it states if
Zs < 0.35 ohms for a TN-C-S system
you can have a cable length of 107m
In BS7671 page 58 Table 41.3 it states the
Maximum Zs for a 32A CB to operate within 0.4s is 1.37 ohms.
It was my understand that Ze is 0.35 for a TN-C-S system, so why does it state Zs as being 0.35 ohms in the On-Site-Guide. Is this a mistake in the OSG, should it be Ze not Zs?
I was looking for the maximum Zs of a circuit in the ONG, but I can not find where it is, Does anyone know if the OSG has a reference to maximum Zs values, surly they have to be in there?
In the On-Site-Guide page 60 Table 7.1 under the heading Maximum cable length, it states if
Zs < 0.35 ohms for a TN-C-S system
you can have a cable length of 107m
In BS7671 page 58 Table 41.3 it states the
Maximum Zs for a 32A CB to operate within 0.4s is 1.37 ohms.
It was my understand that Ze is 0.35 for a TN-C-S system, so why does it state Zs as being 0.35 ohms in the On-Site-Guide. Is this a mistake in the OSG, should it be Ze not Zs?
I was looking for the maximum Zs of a circuit in the ONG, but I can not find where it is, Does anyone know if the OSG has a reference to maximum Zs values, surly they have to be in there?