You do realise Trump was a legally elected President of the USA, not the antichrist, El Chappo or Hitler.If you meant "too many people displaying wrong thinking", well yes I agree with you. Wrong thinking is, nt of much value is it.?
Now bearing in mind the enthusiastic support the forum moderators are showing for a politician who began his presidential campaign as the leader of the "birther movement" conspiracy and ended his presidency as the leader of the Qanon conspiracy and filled the time in between gaining a reputation as a not very reliable character, not to mention bringing white supremacist groups from the fringes of society into the mainstream. You might remember that when Obama, s birth cert was produced it made no difference to him. A pattern that was to repeat itself through his presidency.Then on being elected he immediately acknowledged what he had promoted as truth was a lie.
As "Darkwood" might say "have I missed something"?
People have opposing views on all manner of things, however when one side sets their view up as sacrosanct and the other as evil it doesn't end well, won't end well and never has ended well.
When you hear the noises coming from the left of US politics about hunting down those that "Enabled" Trump you start to realise the danger we are sleepwalking into.
Sorry if you don't find this message doubleplusgood.