ive been to look at a job today, used to be a pub a couple of years ago, now a house.
They have just gutted the kitchen and are going to refit.
There is s sub main (Henley blocks from head), 2 core 25mm SWA, run is approx 55 - 60 meters from head to board.
anyway, it needs a new board etc and a load of new circuits.
i just feel uneasy about using the steel wire on the SWA as the earth, I would rather have a 3 core or another separate earth.
ive not taken any readings as yet, only looked at it.
The only OCPD is the main fuse at present, I'd like a switched fuse put in.
what would you do regarding the earth? Would you use the steel?
ive been to look at a job today, used to be a pub a couple of years ago, now a house.
They have just gutted the kitchen and are going to refit.
There is s sub main (Henley blocks from head), 2 core 25mm SWA, run is approx 55 - 60 meters from head to board.
anyway, it needs a new board etc and a load of new circuits.
i just feel uneasy about using the steel wire on the SWA as the earth, I would rather have a 3 core or another separate earth.
ive not taken any readings as yet, only looked at it.
The only OCPD is the main fuse at present, I'd like a switched fuse put in.
what would you do regarding the earth? Would you use the steel?