Aye ..... and we're all 'far right', 'sexist', 'racist', 'homophobic', 'transphobic', 'Islamophobic', 'anti-Semitic' 'fascists' and 'Nazis'.![]()
If wanting our country to have pride in itself again and be proud of the global contributions we've made over the course of history (and continue to make) instead of being a whiney, self-loathing lefty sheep that's been brainwashed into believing all ill's in the world are our fault means I'll be labelled any or all of those things... bring on the labels!
They are the tools of the leftist, designed to silence those they disagree with because it's easier to silence someone by claiming what they are saying is hate speech than it is to formulate a coherent counter argument to much of what is actually being said.