The old housebashing firm I used to work for;
The miserable old confused git who ran it, tells me and my mate, have we experience in taking off radiators and heating pipes as the lady is having storage heating put in.
We tell him we'd drain the system and remove the rads and pipes.
3rd day into the rewire we drain the system remove the tank and rads and pipework.
on the 5th day the miserable git rings us and tells us hes just picked up a timeclock hes got for the water tank, 'Ive spoken to her and shes really looking forward to having this timeclock'
We look at each other in disbeleif.
Back at the yard, the miserable git (he resembled Yoda from star wars ) is pushing about this timeclock for the tank,
We break the news........
The old git had mixed up the jobs when he had told us about the storage heating and we had ripped out a perfectly good tank and radiator system, in fact it was another job seperate from the rewire that was geting storage heating.
What happened next was THE funniest thing I have ever seen and will always remember it
He starts by throwing his hands up in the air shouting NOT THE TANK..... NOT THE TANK
My mate who somehow has managed to keep a straight face tells him he told us to remove the tank and the rads after draining the system.
hes by now turned bright red
(like a little grumpy red yoda) and is thumping his fists on the desk and stanping his feet whilst his combover is flapping from side to side

at this moment I have turned my back and tears of laughter are rolling down my cheeks and my shoulders were moving up and down rapidly as I uncontrollably laughed.
in the end he realised he had cocked up and couldnt blame us if he tried to,
this happened years ago and even to this day, and right now Im laughing to myself about that.
when I now meet my mate, all we have to say is NOT THE TANK NOT THE TANK to each other and it causes fits of laughter

I miss the fun I used to have back then. hapy days lol