Is it my imagination or are we seeing a ridiculous number of threads with this kind of question? Sure, some are just trolling, but many of them look like genuine queries where people want to know a the number of the reg that says whether it's OK to install 2.5T+E clipped direct to some 4x2 to feed a socket near the sideboard at No.37 Acacia Grove on a Tuesday?
What does this tell us? That the regs need to be more prescriptive like the NEC? That courses need to teach more about understanding electricity and less about looking up facts in a book? Or has it always been like this?
Puzzled of London.
What does this tell us? That the regs need to be more prescriptive like the NEC? That courses need to teach more about understanding electricity and less about looking up facts in a book? Or has it always been like this?
Puzzled of London.