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Will you vote?

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Will you vote?

  • Yes

    Votes: 22 81.5%
  • No

    Votes: 3 11.1%
  • Will spoil my voting paper

    Votes: 2 7.4%

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So the general election upon us after a month of farcical campaigns by some appalling candidates. Without starting a political argument what are you going to to?
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Reactions: Dan
Vote for Change, not saying who for though
No need to say who just what you will do.
I figure it's not the system that is broken, it's the people in it, so I will vote.
Don't think I've ever not voted before, but pretty cetain tomorrow is going to be a 16hr day and I won't have a chance to get to the polling station.
I will vote. This is because I am a grumpy old git, and if I dion't vote I can't really complain properly, can I?

The SNP are the current incumbents in my ward...anything to get them removed is a step in the right direction IMHO.

Have a great day, folks!
I'll be voting... For my constituency it's Conservative vs LimpDems... so a Tory vote for me, but I'd really like to vote Reform.
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