Just back from a job where (done many time before) i had to force on, off peak wall heaters , to do Zs's. the wall heater are on 2 different boards, these wall heater only come on during the nite, i link over to the first board and test (no probs) when i link the other board across it get readings of 50 ohms on all of the heaters also i take a R2 which is a good reading and a Ze on the board with is good as well, there is a contactor switch with a coil feed from the timer, how can i get good reading on one board and not the other? also when i limk over to dodgey board all the heaters come on, even though im doing one at a time? just to see if it's the boad, i aslo extened each heater circuit to the other board and the reading are fine? i have a sore head!! lol if it's para paths surley i would have got them on the first board?