max Zs= U0/Ia (x0.8) only works for B C D mcbs 60898 rcbos 61009. (table 41.3) makes life easier to work out max zs without looking it up... fuses i look up. ;-)
What gives you that idea??
Zs = Uo ÷ Ia is basic ohms law (R = V ÷ I).
Zs = Earth fault loop impedance -- Uo = Nominal voltage -- Ia = Current causing operation of the protective device in the required time
The 0.8 is a rule of thumb. The max Zs values in BS 7671 are at a cable operating temperature of 70°C but the cable won't be at that temperature when you take a Zs measurement, so you multiply the values in the BRB by 0.8 to account for the reduced temperature of the cable.
Ia is taken from the time/current characteristics graphs/tables in Appendix 3 of the BRB.
That's a great formula but would it still apply to bs88 fuses?
So yes, it does apply to BS 88 fuses. It's just easier to work out for 60898 and 61009 breakers because it's just 5 x In (type B), 10 x In (type C) and 20 x In (type D).
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