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What is your hourly rate as a self employed electrician?

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I do like chatting about prices!

I thought I would start a poll to see 'roughly' what the average hourly rate is for self employed electricians?

To keep it as simple as possible, forget about any 'first hour' rate you may or may not charge and just go for your rate after that.

I realise this isn't going to cover lots and lots of scenarios (quotes, domestic, commercial, location etc etc), but it's just for a bit of amusement and perhaps along the way we'll gain a very rough idea of an electrician's hourly rate.

It will be anonymous so please do answer honestly.
so much this....charge cheap they think you are nothing special .
Exactly , if you are cheap you come across as a bit of a chancer / diy handyman type

I had a customer (very wealthy area) wanted some downlights in the bathroom and some other lights putting up etc
I said it was about a full days work and asked if they wanted a written estimate stating my rates etc
They answered 'no , dont worry , just do the job , you came highly recommended from a friend and we will pay what ever you charge '
I was a bit taken back as they just trusted me to do the job without knowing if I was £50 ph or £250 ph , I got on with it and emailed over my bill that evening for 1 day as agreed plus materials. I did my normal rate and a tiny mark up on gear supplied.
Paid the next morning.
One petrol station in London was on social media as they were charging £1.99 for a litre of diesel this morning

All getting a bit silly now , £2 a litre is a joke imo

Government needs to cap fuel prices and quickly
From what I can make out it isn't really happening in other parts of the country at the moment but here in Cornwall a lot of people [idiots] seem to be panic buying fuel including filling extra cans ! And in places queues spill out onto roads holding up traffic,and some fuel stations close due to running out until the next delivery.
I'm assuming it's the fear/obsession of rising prices and driven by the Social Media cretins, it's very frustrating when you really need fuel to continue working.
SuperValu it certainly isn't!
WhatsApp Image 2022-03-09 at 13.07.23.jpeg
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