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£13,880 For a 1.6KW...

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If that's the diagonally "installed" panels, an intriguing solution to a half-hipped roof and at least shows some knowledge of trigonometry!
Just foiled Ultra Energy plot to sell friends elderly mum a 2.5kw system for £10,000. High pressure sales, fancy brochure, little paperwork. When she tried to cancel 2 days after signing up was told she would have to travel 30 miles to the office to complete the paperwork. Well dodgy.
Just foiled Ultra Energy plot to sell friends elderly mum a 2.5kw system for £10,000. High pressure sales, fancy brochure, little paperwork. When she tried to cancel 2 days after signing up was told she would have to travel 30 miles to the office to complete the paperwork. Well dodgy.

Well done. That price is two years out of date. But, I guess some people will get stung.

Can you report them to MCS and REAL?
Doorstep Selling (which this is ) by LAW gives a cooling off period.. The Cancellation of Contracts made in a Consumer

REAL are only trying to enforce the LAW

Right to cancel a contract to which these Regulations apply7.—
(1) A consumer has the right to cancel a contract to which these Regulations apply within the cancellation period.
(2) The trader must give the consumer a written notice of his right to cancel the contract and such notice must be given at the time the contract is made except in the case of a contract to which regulation 5(c) applies in which case the notice must be given at the time the offer is made by the consumer.
(3) The notice must—
(a)be dated;
(b)indicate the right of the consumer to cancel the contract within the cancellation period;
(c)be easily legible;
(i)the information set out in Part I of Schedule 4; and
(ii)a cancellation form in the form set out in Part II of that Schedule provided as a detachable slip and completed by or on behalf of the trader in accordance with the notes; and
(e)indicate if applicable—
(i)that the consumer may be required to pay for the goods or services supplied if the performance of the contract has begun with his written agreement before the end of the cancellation period;
(ii)that a related credit agreement will be automatically cancelled if the contract for goods or services is cancelled.
(4) Where the contract is wholly or partly in writing the notice must be incorporated in the same document.
(5) If incorporated in the contract or another document the notice of the right to cancel must—
(a)be set out in a separate box with the heading “Notice of the Right to Cancel”; and
(b)have as much prominence as any other information in the contract or document apart from the heading and the names of the parties to the contract and any information inserted in handwriting.
(6) A contract to which these Regulations apply shall not be enforceable against the consumer unless the trader has given the consumer a notice of the right to cancel and the information required in accordance with this regulation.
Yer but what they do is make the customer sign a waiver- effectively giving up their right of the 7 days cancellation- See it too many times now
Yer but what they do is make the customer sign a waiver- effectively giving up their right of the 7 days cancellation- See it too many times now

Then unfair terms and conditions would or should come into affect. How this is applied to a sales company I don't know
Same as any company, it's da law..

However they may get around it by getting the customer to sign away the rights:

Cancellation of specified contracts commenced before expiry of the right to cancel
(1) Where the consumer enters into a specified contract and he wishes the performance of the contract to begin before the end of the cancellation period, he must request this in writing.
(2) Where the consumer cancels a specified contract in accordance with regulation 8 he shall be under a duty to pay in accordance with the reasonable requirements of the cancelled contract for goods or services that were supplied before the cancellation.
(3) If the consumer fails to provide the request in writing referred to in paragraph (1) then—
(a)the trader is not obliged to begin performance of the specified contract before the end of the cancellation period; and
(b)the consumer is not bound by the duty referred to in paragraph (2) if he cancels the contract in accordance with regulation 8.
(4) For the purposes of this regulation and regulation 13, a “specified contact” means a contract for any of the following—
(a)the supply of newspapers, periodicals or magazines;
(b)advertising in any medium;
(c)the supply of goods the price of which is dependent on fluctuations in the financial markets which cannot be controlled by the trader;
(d)the supply of goods to meet an emergency;
(e)the supply of goods made to a customer’s specifications or clearly personalised and any services in connection with the provision of such goods;
(f)the supply of perishable goods;
(g)the supply of goods which by their nature are consumed by use and which, before the cancellation, were so consumed;
(h)the supply of goods which, before the cancellation, had become incorporated in any land or thing not comprised in the cancelled contract;
(i)the supply of goods or services relating to a funeral; or
(j)the supply of services of any other kind.

So they only waive the right away when the contract starts before the end of the expiry period.... else it still applies.
that's what they do though isn't it? just start the installation before the 7 days is up and get someone to sign the waver on the day of signing up (just sign here, here and here please sir).

That way they don't get as much chance to have second thoughts after checking out the prices online.
they actually do abide by the seven days but you will find a lot of people have not had there deposits returned. this was as SES i imagine the same will be for ultra energy,

Interestingly I have heard that eph there install company is in liquidation, I assume so no redress against them, Whats frighteng about this situation i Bet its happening all over the country with other companys,
Up here in Scotlan Clyde Radio are advertising for Superseal ltd, thermodynamic systems saving 70% on there heating bills another company that were miss selling of PV.
Iworked for them for a few days and never got paid what I was owed the managers name is ***** his mob number is ********
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Should think not if you don't work there any more but the company will still have it hope your checking other sites also. You will love it can't believe you tried to send me out to rip people of lol I thought the traveler lads here in peterborough where bad they will love this story

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