...Right then...In the true sense of the rules,he is correct,but in the same manner,Hitler was a serious socialist and never got a mention in Brighton,this week
I will not be quoting regs,or crabbing the OP's methodology,as we have not seen the installation,which could well be exemplary.
This is a similar situation,to the MOT exemptions for certain HGV's,which applied regarding street lighting,road marking,etc.
They did not need one,but gradually,the insurers requirement for record of maintenance,made it tricky not to use the MOT process,as proof of such.
I do a great deal of work,and have a great many friends,with equestrian yards,and here is a story...
One such fellow,lost three horses,in a night,due to series of common issues,occurring in a stable block,comprising of decent,well installed equipment.
Just 10mA is all they need...even the biggest Shire.
The investigation,and insurance claim,started a chain of events,which would have been not nearly as onerous,had the standard set of installation procedures,been voluntarily adhered to.
In fact,he was informed by the loss adjuster,the investigation,not just by themselves,but most of the other bodies,would have been "hugely restricted,if there was any paperwork regarding the block,to wave in front of people..." and that is a direct quote.
It's horses for courses...