Lets start at the beginning,
I originally asked for a little reassurance on reconnecting a whole house ring main to one 32A RCBO. This has POTENTIAL for nuisance tripping.
If by being thorough you mean barking up the wrong tree then you are certainly doing that, while seeking reassurance on here that you are seeing problems that don't exist how do you reassure the customer that they have chosen someone who is competent to carry out the work they have requested
I don’t believe that I am barking up the wrong tree
I had concerns over connecting the whole house kitchen included onto one 32A RCBO. POTENTIALLY this could result in nuisance tripping at no point did I suggest that it was dangerous.
Unless I am mistaken nuisance tripping on this circuit is not a problem that we can confidently say doesn’t exist.
There are some questions that are asked on here and you WILL remain a fool permanently because you shouldn't need to ask the question if you know what you are doing
This is no such thing as a stupid question, only stupid people who are too frightened to ask questions.
Obviously this is the environment which you would like to engender.
I'm sure that there have been times / incidents where being over cautious has resulted in death
Please enlighten. I am fascinated to learn of too much caution in the electrical industry causing death.
And your point is what exactly
The point is probably that it would be nice if people didn’t read things that aren’t asked. Obviously some of the responders don’t understand plain English and have suddenly decided that because I flagged up a POTENTIAL issue with nuisance tripping, I am somehow suggesting a dangerous installation.
Perhaps it’s time that some of the self righteous know alls got off their high horse read the original post and answered the question in the spirit it was asked.
Too many see the 17th edition as the be all and end all of electrical installation and have an Orwellistic attitude to old installations where old installations / regs are bad new installations / regs are good
Move with the times fellas we are now in the 17[SUP]th[/SUP] Ed era. Stop trying to denigrate it.
Politicians in the past had some notion that there was a skills shortage so they foisted these competent persons scams on us who legitimise these quick training systems and all we have ended up with is the same skills shortage as the shortage of commercial and industrial sparks has not been addressed and the quality and knowledge of what's available in the domestic sector greatly varies skill wise
I spent three years at night school to get my qualifications, including 2391 and picked up some experience along the way working for free. I would have loved to have galvanised my experience by working for someone for a few years before going it alone.
Unfortunately when you are viewed as future competition no one is prepared to give you any help. In the end I decided to go it alone. Its been over two years now and I’m doing very nicely thank you.
I have used this forum to seek advice and guidance not because I don’t know what I am doing but because sometimes I like the reassurance from those more experienced that my thoughts are correct.
I have never suggested or implied any danger in this installation. I do see nuisance tripping as a POTENTIAL issue. If this is my crime then I am guilty.
Hang me.