Best Practise Guide No2 - Consumer Unit replacement in domestic and similar premises says the following on Page 5 (note 3)
"A 6mm main protective bonding conductor size could be deemed adequate where the minimum size required by regulation 544.1.1 of BS7671 is 10mm if the bonding conductors have been in place for a significant time and show no signs of thermal damage."
So it looks like you're ok as long as you meet those 2 criteria.
Also worth looking at note 2 on the same page (5) which mentions certain criteria for using a 6mm main earthing conductor.
I had totally overlooked using BPG 2 which clearly points out what is permissible on a board change.
I was correct with regards to checking the bonding for thermal damage and corrosion if less than 10mm for continued use. I had also confirmed the adequacy of the earthing conductor by applying the adiabatic. On existing installations where a board change is needed i will from now on make reference in the 'extent of works' box that the change has been completed in accordance with BPG 2.and will note any departures found in the relevant box on the EIC.