As ElectricAL previously stated it would not matter, if you possess an ELZ/ PFC tester are are feel comptent to do so, go and test your own property with the supply on and supply off.
It great wanting to know every thing, but we are practical electricians, may be you should address this question to IET blog or IEEE etc.
I do know that my ELZ/PFC tester has an operating tolerance of +/- 20%, so if the meter not that accurate, then I do not think they are to worried about about any errors due to mesh loading.
I recently learned that for supplies upto 100A and protected by BS1361 type II as long as your measured value does not exceed 16kA and the CCU complies with BS 60439-3, then the installation will comply, so do not worry, get out there and as I previously said if competent get testing.