I've been lurking on this thread with interest, PIR's are our core business and I can tell you now that on the rare occasion that we do find a previous report, more often than not, it is of a similar standard to the one (s) in question here.
I'd probably take a good 10 seconds to see this report for what it is-incompetent, incoherent rubbish.
It's not often that I find myself disagreeing with Malcolm but in this case, I do, these are the sort of reports that we have to compete with and clients should be able to trust.
They devalue our whole industry and force prices down even though the end product bares no resemblance to what the client has paid for!
If the key word in periodic inspection reports is 'COMPETENCY' then I defy anyone on this forum to defend the competency of the inspector in question.
I'm not interested in prices of remedial works, in any industry, there will be a large difference in prices for a set task, often influenced by location and overheads amongst other things.
Yes, the 2391-10 assists in proving competency but I can tell you from our experience that passing the 2391-10 does not immediately make an inspector competent, it's just another component in the path to competency.
I've had 2391-10 electricians on PIR's looking totally dumbfounded when faced with a board full of 3871's or 3036's, 4293's etc. etc. where are these devices in the 2391-10 course?
On another thread, I said that we only use approved electricians with 2391-10 and also have a small 'test' that is based on some of the items that I've just listed above, it helps to avoid the awful situation of telling someone that they're not good enough after one shift.
The first comment that was added following that was something along the lines of 'wow, you're just domestic installers aren't you?'
I think that attitude to domestic work/inspection is one of the reasons for the subject of this thread.