I'm based in Wigan and i usually charge £300-350 for a CU swap. Usually thats a 10way dual RCD MK board as they're well priced and i find them easy to install along with tails and main earth.
Bonding to water and gas would be more and dependent on length of cable runs and install method which is normally agreed with client prior to start of work.
I budget a full day for a CU swap to make sure i've got time to fix any little niggles.
I always offer an EICR (PIR) before a board change as you're supposed to. Anyone who wants it done without i'll still complete but explain that its a possibility if i find any potentially dangerous conditions i won't reconnect/energise that circuit until remedial works have been completed. I find people in general just want the board changed and so take the risk on me not connecting a circuit. Thankfully I've only had 3 i can think of where this has been the case and after I've explained and shown them whats wrong they've agreed the remedials.
I've lost out on work offering the EICR before the change in the past as people are so aware these days of cowboys they think you're trying to pull a fast one and get more money out of them. And of course there's always bodgit and scarper from the pub who've said you shouldn't pay more than £100 for the swap and they offer "to do it for a pint pal"
I think in the current economic climate its hard to price jobs based on you earning a decent wage but competing with the other "registered" sparks who don't give any paper work. The public need more education on whats required from all trades after works completed so they can recognise good quality workmen from billy bodgit.
Bonding to water and gas would be more and dependent on length of cable runs and install method which is normally agreed with client prior to start of work.
I budget a full day for a CU swap to make sure i've got time to fix any little niggles.
I always offer an EICR (PIR) before a board change as you're supposed to. Anyone who wants it done without i'll still complete but explain that its a possibility if i find any potentially dangerous conditions i won't reconnect/energise that circuit until remedial works have been completed. I find people in general just want the board changed and so take the risk on me not connecting a circuit. Thankfully I've only had 3 i can think of where this has been the case and after I've explained and shown them whats wrong they've agreed the remedials.
I've lost out on work offering the EICR before the change in the past as people are so aware these days of cowboys they think you're trying to pull a fast one and get more money out of them. And of course there's always bodgit and scarper from the pub who've said you shouldn't pay more than £100 for the swap and they offer "to do it for a pint pal"
I think in the current economic climate its hard to price jobs based on you earning a decent wage but competing with the other "registered" sparks who don't give any paper work. The public need more education on whats required from all trades after works completed so they can recognise good quality workmen from billy bodgit.