View the thread, titled "***Cont../ Useful Information for Electricians & Apprentices***" which is posted in Australia on Electricians Forums.



O.S.G.. The use of other methods’ of determining Maximum Demand is Not Precludedwhere Specified by the Installation Designer

FirstlyI make no Apologies for the Way am Writing on any Matters . it can be a first day Apprentice or some one Needing aJog of Memory .
Sowe are all in the Same Boat . “ To Learn “

For the Apprentices . The Day we stop learning is the Day we hang Upour Tool-Bag

CookerDesign Current Calculations

Thefirst thing you have to do is get Your Head around the Calculations !!

(From a Design point of View ) 2392-10

DomesticInstallation Oven(s) & Hob(s) are to be Calculated upon their MAXIMUM LOADING
Startwith a simple Calculation ( An Oven has a rating of 2kW ) 2000

(I = P/V ) Formula … I = 2000 ÷ 230V = 8.70A …. Weare Using the Unit Amps

2392-10/ Domestic Installation Oven(s)

Ovenhas 4 Rings ( 2 x 1kW ) & ( 2 x 1.5kW ) & Grill ( 2kW ) & Oven (3kW )

-Controlled via a CookerSwitch with a Socket outlet .

Asa Designer . we’ll have to Apply Diversity ??

Important )- Diversity allowance to be Applied to the FULL LOAD CURRENT for CookingAppliances .

TheO.S.G. is telling us . Purpose of the Final Circuit fed from theConductors )
O.S.G.Table 1B p/97 – column (3) Cooking Appliances → At the Top of the Page Note : Type ofPremises ( 2392-10 → Household Installations ) Domestic Installation(s)

DomesticInstallation(s) Only O.S.G. - 10A + 30% f.l – Full Load ) of connected Cooking Appliances in the Excess of 10A+ 5A if a socket-outlet is incorporated in the Control Unit . ( C.C.U. ) – 45A + 13A Socket Switched with Neon .

Fromyour point of View ( The First 10A ofthe rated current plus 30% of the reminder ( Plus) 5A if the Control Unit incorporates s Socket.

Calculations)- You bank “ Hold OFF“ the first 10 Amps of the Maximum Load Current )
The10A will be used at the End of the Calculations’

-So your Work out the Total Power Rating & then calculate the Full Load Current

Calculations)- Power = ( 2 x 1 ) + ( 2 x 1.5 ) + ( 2+ 3 ) = 10kW

I= 10000 ÷ 230V = 43.48A … round it up to the first four numbers43.47826087 ( 48 ) 43.48A

UsingDiversity allowance stated ↑↑ ( 43.48A sub 10A = 33.48A )

I= 33.48 x 30 ÷ 100 = 10.04A

Youradding the ( 5A ) for Socket outlet . I = 10A + 10.04 + 5A = 25.04A )- Asa Designer this is your Expected Current Demand .

Remember )- Supply Cables Rated to suit DesignCurrent ( Iz ) :)
-&-s . State the ( TWO ) different types of Inspection & Testing . may require

“ InitialVerification “ … ( Initial Verification & Inspection )
“ Periodic Inspection & Testing “ … ( ElectricalInstallation Condition Report )

-&-s . 2010 . Q ) Identify the Two Types of Test InstrumentIdentified in GN-3 . Which may be Usedto confirm “ Phase Sequencing
GN-3 . 2.7.17. Phase – Sequence . p/54

i) Rotating disctype .
ii) Indictor Lamp Type .

you have correctly Identify these InstrumentTypes . for -&-s
Functional Testing . GN-3 . p/55 (GN-3 & Regulations )

While the following tests are NOTa specific requirement of BS-7671 . it is recommended that they arecarried OUT.

In order to test the effectiveness of Residual CurrentDevices after installation . a ( Series of Tests ) may be applied to check thatthey are within specification & operate satisfactorily . ( Regulation - 612.8.1.) p/193 . & Operate satisfactorily .
This test sequence will be in addition to providingthat the test button is operational . the effectiveness of the test buttonshould be checked after the test sequence .

2392-10 : foreach of the tests . Readingsshould be taken on ( Both Positive & Negative half-cycles & the longeroperating time recorded .0

411.4.5. . Prior to these RCD tests it isessential . for safety reasons . thatthe earth loop impedance is tested to check the requirements have been met .

TN-S . System . example.. 612.8.1. The ( Verification ) of the ( Effectiveness ) of the measure for faultprotection by automatic disconnection of supply is effected as follows .

1) measurement ofthe earth fault loop impedance – see Regulation . 612.9.
2) verification of the characteristics & / or theeffectiveness of the associated protective device . This verification shall bemade .

- for overcurrent protective devices . by visualinspection ( i.e. short-time or instantaneous tripping setting forcircuit-breakers . current rating & type for fuses .
- RCDs . by Visual Inspection& Test . ◄◄◄
The effectiveness of automaticdisconnection of supply by RCDs shall be verified using ( Suitable Test Equipment ) according to ( BS-EN-61557-6 ) . see Regulation 612.1.
To confirm that the relevant requirements in Chapter 41 are Met .

The disconnection times required by Chapter41 . shall be Verified .
Re: ***Cont../ Useful Information for Electricians’ & Apprentices***

(b) electricity distrubution network operator (DNO)
-&-s 2391-10 / 2392-10 . Inspection & Testing &Verification of Electrical Installation(s)

Required to be Aware of .

HASAWA . 1974 – Statutorydocument )
EAWR . 1989 – Statutory document )
BS-7671:2008 / 2011 – Non Statutory document )
O.S.G. – Non Statutorydocument )
Guidance Note 3 – Non Statutory document )
GS-38 – Non Statutory document )

Electrical Installation Certificate .
Certificate is used for ( NewInstallations ) whenever a New circuit has to be Installed . & /or Alternations . Rewiring & anycircuit where the protective device has been changed .
As part of the (Initial Verification ) the date for the next Inspection must be set ( maximum 10 Years for Domestic Installation )

Certification & Reporting

This form must be Accompanied by ( Inspection Schedules& Test Results Schedules )
In the case of ( Consumer’s Unit change only ) Electrical Installation Certificate would be required for the ( Consumer’sUnit ) &
an Electrical Installation Condition Report ( EICR ) should be completed for the ( ExistingInstallation )

Minor Electrical Installations Work Certificate .
□ This one isUsed for work which ( Does ) not involve theInstallation of a ( New Circuit )
□ This Certificateis to be Used when ( Additions to Existing circuitsare carried out ) if .
□ More than Onecircuit is added . Then a separate - Minor Works Certificate . must be issuedfor ( EachModification )

ElectricalInstallations ConditionReport . ( EICR )

Your reasons . for this type of Test are . Wear & Tear . Change of Ownership . Change of Use . Damage to the Property.

Certification & Reporting
This form must be Accompanied by ( InspectionSchedule & Test Results Schedule(s)

□ Diagrams .Charts or Tables should be made available to the person carrying out thisReport .
These Diagrams .Charts or Tables should indicate : Type of circuits & Protective devices .means of Isolation & Switching . methods used for Protect against Fault Protection .

Delegate . will be required to complete the AppropriateDocument during & after the Testing is carried out . ( Starting from . 01.01.2011 . this Documentwill be the ElectricalInstallations ConditionReport . ( EICR )

2392-10 : Weneed to Inspect & Test Electrical Installations to ensure compliance withBS-7671 :2011 .( Non Statutory document )
2392-10 : Bycomplying with BS-7671 :2011 . We arealso complying with HASAWA - 1974 & EAWR - 1989 Both ( Statutorydocument )
-&-s point of View 2392-10 . Insulation Résistance Measurement . (Measurement of Insulation Résistance are to be carried out before the first connection of Main Voltage to the Installation ) …D.C. test voltage .

2392-10 .
Take from BS-7671:2011 . -&-s .

( T ) Which of thefollowing items should be ( Included ) forchecking during the ( Initial Verification ) of an Installation .
Presence of diagrams & Instructions . ( Regulation611.3. (xvi ) Presence of diagrams . instructions &similar information . p/190

Take from BS-7671:2011 . -&-s .
( T ) One ( Item ) that should be ( Included) on charts & diagrams made ( Available ) tothe person carrying out the ( Inspection & Test ) is .
All Isolation & Switching arrangements ( Regulation514.9.1. ( iii ) p/117 .

Take from BS-7671:2011 . -&-s .
( T ) An ( Inspection ) shall be made to ( Verify) that the installed electrical equipment is . NotVisibly Damaged ( Regulation611.2. ( iii ) p/189 .
( iii ) – Routing of cables in Safe zones . or protection againstmechanical damage . in compliance with Section 522

( T ) Inspection & Testing . Continuity of CPC & Protective Earthing .
( You will use this on .Periodic Inspection & Testing )

p/Regulation 411.3.1.1. of BS-7671:2011 requiresthat Installations which provide protection against Electric Shock using Automatic Disconnectionof supply must have a circuit protective conductor run to & terminated ateach point in the wiring & at each accessory .

you are required to ( Verify the Polarity ) of all circuits before Connection to thesupply . Dead Test . 2392-10 . -&-s

2392-10 . youare expected to Energise the Installation & turning the supply on for thefirst time .

the Regulations don’t tell us about . Live Polarity . “ Testing “ . “ This is a Live Test

using a ( GS-38 ) approved voltage indicator . you are Testing on the Incoming side of theInstallation . MainSwitch .

Test between ( Line & Neutral )
Test between ( Line & CPC )
Test between ( Neutral & CPC )

After the correct “ Polarity “ has beenconfirmed . Turnthe Main Switch ON if Needed .

One Point I must make . Many Candidates failed to ( Identify the Used ofGS-38 . Test Leads ) ◄◄◄ -&-s Exams .

City & Guilds | 2391-301 Chief Examiners' report ( I wish someone HAD pointed meto the SITE before my 2391-10 ) Happy Hunting . :banghead:

2391-10 : Remember that giving information that is NOT required COSTS the CANDIDATE timebut does NOT ACCUMULATE any MARKS .
Re: ***Cont../ Useful Information for Electricians’ & Apprentices***

Brianmdk. Thank you for using this Forum . “ As arule you go into the Main Forum Q/As “

“ Old Amber “ . only writes up things for the Forum . . I am sure that Phil or any other Memberwill pick this up .
Has a rule I don’t. do Q/As . I leave that to the Professional Memberson this Forum . I will get in touch with Phil .

Brianmdk. am sure Phil has a ForumE/mail .

I get over 100 E/mail a day . So I limit my time when I can .

Example . -&-s . Correctly indentify the Three documents on which ( Ze) would be recorded .

This is how Ipicked up this . 2392-10 . Look in & start there . p/390 . EIC . ( Ze ) yeah . Minor / No . EICR / yeah . sometime we have to help ourselves .

2392-10 : Check – 530.3.4.which seems to require that the only protective devices specified by themanufacture can be used in a Consumer Unit .

Forinstallations with a 230V single-phase supply rated up to 100A that are underthe control of Ordinary Persons . Switchgear & Controlgear should ether :

-Comply with BS-EN-60439-3 & Regulation 432.1.of BS-7671:2011 .or
-be a Consumer Unit incorporating components complying with BS-EN-60439-3 .

2392-10: Check – 537.1.4.
Amain switch intended for operation by ordinary persons . e.g. of a household orsimilar installation . should interrupt both LiveConductors of a Single-phase supply .

531 . Fault Protection by Automatic Disconnectionof Supply . 2392-10 ( ADS )

531.2. RCD Requirements .–
531.2.1. An RCD shall be capable of disconnecting all ( Line Conductors ) at substantially the ( Same Time )

531.2.5. An RCD cannot be used for ( Fault Protection) on its Own . Where a circuit does “ NOT “ contain a ( Protective Conductor )

2392-10. Does an RCD . NEED an EARTH .

531.2.5. The use of an RCD associated with a circuitnormally expected to have a ( Protective Conductor ) shall NOT beconsidered sufficient for fault protection if there is ( NO such conductor ) even if the rated residual operating current ( IΔn ) of the device not exceed 30mA . … ►► RCD without ( Earth ) N/A

Taking off the Internet . ▼▼▼

RCDdoes NOT necessarily require an Earth connectionitself . ( it monitors only the Line& Neutral ) in addition it detects current flows to Earth even in equipmentwithout an Earth of it Own .

RCD- The amount of current flows through the Line should return through Neutral .
RCD– it Trip the circuit when there is ( Earth Fault Current ) .. Now it takes us back to Regulation ( 531.2.5. ) DO We NEED an Earth

RCD/ RCBO . “ Flying Lead “ has a Functional Earth

UsefulJunk . Example . 4D4Bp/339

1000 . is used in the formulabecause the value from the tables is in millivolts - Convert it to Volts .

Weknow the maximum voltage drop permissible is ( 11.5V) the current in the cable is ( 65A ) & the Length of run is ( 53m )

11.5x 1000 = 11500 .
(65A x 53m ) = 3445 . …………. 11500 ÷ 3445 = 3.33 mV

4D4B – for a Conductor whichhas a voltage drop of ( 3.33 m/V/m ) or less . 16mm[SUP]2 [/SUP]( 2.8 : 2.8 : 2.4 )

Noticethat for ( All ) cables ( Over ) 16mm[SUP]2 [/SUP]there are Threevalues given for voltage drop . ( r . x . & z . )


Requirements. Earthing & Bonding .

Often. there is great confusion over Earthing . Bonding ( Earth Bonding) BS-7671:2011 . requirements forElectrical Installations – “ Defines “

“Earthing “ Connection of the ( Exposed – Conductive – Parts ) of an Installation to the main earthingterminal of that Installation
Bonding “ Thecorrect “ title“ is “ p/27 . EquipotentialBondingelectrical connection maintaining various Equipotential Bonding & ( Exposed – Conductive – Parts ) & ( Extraneous – Conductive – Parts ) at substantiallythe same potential .

►►See also . “ Protective Equipotential Bonding “ p/32. “ Equipotential Bondingfor the purposes of Safety

(Extraneous – Conductive – Parts ) a “Conductive Part “ . liable to introduce a ( Potential ) generally earth (Potential ) & not forming part of the electrical installation .

(Exposed – Conductive – Parts ) a “Conductive Part “ of equipment which can be touched & which is not a Livepart but which may become Live under fault conditions

Just a Reminder . 411.3.1.2. Protective Equipotential Bonding .
Ineach installation ( Main Protective Bonding Conductor’s ) complying withChapter 54 . shall connect to the ( Main EarthingTerminal ) Extraneous – conductive - Parts . including . ( Water Installation pipes : Gas Installation pipes : Exposed Metallic Structural parts of theBuilding : e.g.

Requirementsof the Earthing System .
Thefunction of the earthing system isTwo-Fold .

□ To provide a low enough impedance path . viathe earth conductors . back to the supply source so that the event of a failureto earth of a live conductor . sufficient current will flow safety along apredetermined route to enable the (Circuit Protective device to operate )

□ To limit the ( Potential rise ) on allMetalwork to which persons & livestock normally have access . To a safevalue under normal & abnormal circuit conditions .
Thebonding together of all normally ( Exposed metalwork ) such . As Gas . Water . etc . & the connection of the ( Bond ) to the Earth Terminal . will prevent thepossibility of a ( Potential difference) arising between adjoining pipework under both normal & abnormalconditions .

Thereare Two main types of Earth Conductors . which are “ Bonding “ referred to as ( Protective ) conductor(s) & Earth Electrodes .
p/23 . Bonding Conductor : A protective conductor providing EquipotentialBonding .
Equipotential Bonding – Main Protective Bonding Conductor .

□The bonding together of all normally ( Exposed Metalwork ) such . As Gas . Water . etc .
p/37 . Main Metallic Water Pipe – ( Extraneous – Conductive – Part - p/28 )

Bonding& Protective Conductors .
Withinthe Regulations . a number of “ Definitions“ you have to describe the differenttypes of earth conductor used .

CircuitProtective Conductor ( CPC )
Thisis a separate conductor installed with each ( Circuit ) & is present toensure that some . or all . of the ( Earth Fault Current ) will flow back tosource along it .
Itmay be an ( Individual ) conductor . the ( Metal Outer Sheath of a Cable ) or ( Metalwork formed by Conduit or Trunking )

p/23 Bonding Conductor(s) . A Protective Conductor providing : Equipotential Bonding p/37 . MainProtective Bonding Conductor .

Theseensure that ( Exposed – Conductive –Parts ) such as Metal Enclosures . remain at approximately the ( Same Potential) e.g. Under Fault Conditions .
p/27 .Exposed – Conductive – Part . Conductive part of equipment which can betouched & which is not normally live . but which can become live . UnderFault Conditions .
►The two forms of “ Bonding Conductors“

p/37. • EquipotentialBonding is Main Protective Bonding Conductor .
whichinterconnect ( Together ) & to Earth . ( Exposed – Conductive – Parts )which do NOT normally carry current . “ But “ could do so under a FaultCondition .
these( bonds ) normally connect Exposed –Incoming Metal – Gas . & Water pipes……. Main Services . to the ( EarthingSystem )

asit was on the 16[SUP]th[/SUP] Edition . & is still in Use today .
SupplementaryBonding Conductor(s)

Toensure that Electrical Equipment & other items of ( Conductive – Material )in specific ( Zones ) are bonded tighter & remain at ( Substantially the same Potential )
Theyare used in ( Addition to the Main Protective Bonding Conductor . & (Circuit Protective Conductor )

EarthElectrodes . designer . is faced withTwo – Tasks .

□ To ( Achieve ) a required Impedance Value .
□ To ( Ensure ) that “ Touch Voltage “ potentials are satisfactory . 50V .

(TT System ) for most if NOT all of this “ Site “ You do this by NOTusing the DNO – Earth . you provide a ( Rod )
Therisk of Electric Shock is high .
TN-C-Ssystems must not be used forConstruction & Demolition sites Supplies .
TN-C-S supply is provided by the supply provider . ( PS .use your own judgment ) No in the regulations. it may be Converted to a ( TT System this is easily achieved by isolating the supply earth fromthe installation & installing an Earth Electrode for use with an RCD – 500mA

(110V – for all portable ( Tools & Lighting ) 0.2 seconds disconnection for fixedfloodlights ) Table 41.1. 230V – TT – 0.2 seconds.
(230V – Single-phase ) 0.4s & 5s .

TestingEarth Electrode(s) . Pulled out oldNotes . So that got me Started . !! Books are Out .

Ifa 30mA RCD is used . this allows a maximum Electrode Résistance of ( 1.667Ω) although it is recommended that earth electrode résistance should never begreater than ( 200Ω ) A maximum valueof ( 100Ω) is proposed in a draft amendmentof BS-7430 . Code of practice forEarthing .

BS-7430:1991 – which is withdrawn .
Guidanceon the Methods for Earthing Electrical Systems

Abstracts BSI BS-7430: 1991which is withdrawn.
Givesguidance on the methods that be adopted to ( Earth ) an Electrical System forthe purpose of ( ►► Limiting thePotential ) with respect to General Mass ofEarth . of current – carrying – conductors ( Forming part of the System) & ( Metalwork associated withEquipment . Apparatus . & Appliances connected to the System )

TheElectrical Supply . 16[SUP]th[/SUP] Edition
Thefollowing electrical systems are NOT suitablefor use in hazardous locations .
TN-C-S. ( PME )
InTN-C & TN-C-S - ( PME ) supplies . the Neutral conductor is also the Earthingconductor . Therefore . there could be a ( PotentialDifference ) between the main earthing terminal of the Installation& the General mass of Earth .

This( Standard ) applies ( Only) to landbasedInstallations .

BS-7375:2010 . Distribution on Construction& Demolition Sites . Code of Practice .

Whatkinds of sites are covered by BS-7375 . BS- p/214.

Thesites covered in this standard are areas where any of the following take place.
• Construction work of new buildings
• Repair . alteration . extension . demolitionof existing buildings or part of existing buildings .
• Engineering works .
• Earthworks .
• Work of similar nature .
-This requirements apply to ( Fixed ) or ( Movable Installations )
Updatingof references to BS-7671 . take into account the publication of the seventeenthedition.

704.411.3.1. – Protective measure . Automaticdisconnection of supply .
A( PME ) earthing facility shall NOT be used for the means of earthing for aninstallation falling within the scope of this section ( Unless ) all Extraneous – Conductive – Parts . are reliablyconnected to the main earthing terminal in accordance with Regulation – 411.3.1.2.

Justa Reminder . 411.3.1.2. Protective Equipotential Bonding .
In each installation ( MainProtective Bonding Conductor’s ) complying with Chapter 54 . shall connect tothe ( Main Earthing Terminal ) Extraneous – conductive - Parts . including . ( WaterInstallation pipes : Gas Installationpipes : Exposed Metallic Structuralparts of the Building : e.g.

Thereare differences between BS-7375 & BS-7671 . to do with ( Disconnection Times )
Thereis a large Overlap with BS-7671 . section 704 . different approach in ( BS-7375 ) particularly on the ( 110 volt system) 55 voltsto Earth .

Note . if a ( PME ) Earthing facility is ( Considered) for Use . see also . p/280 - BS-7375:2010 . 704.0./ 704.411.3.1.Note

(p/54 - Disconnection Times ) 411.3.2.3. in a (TN- system ) a disconnection time Not exceeding ( 5s ) ispermitted for a distribution circuit & for a circuit NOT covered by Regulation . 411.3.2.2.
(p/54 - Disconnection Times ) 411.3.2.4. as Appropriate . in a (TT – System ) a disconnection time Not exceeding( 1s ) is permitted for a distribution circuit& for a circuit NOT covered by Regulation . 411.3.2.2.

( Disconnection Times ) for reduced – Low – voltage –systems in BS-7671 & see if you canfind any ( Equivalent in BS- 7375 )

Classificationof Tools .
Class1 ) tool having at least ( Basic Insulation ) throughout & under certain conditionsrequired to be Earthed . BS-EN.61140. P/287 .
Class11 ) tool with ( Double Insulation ) & / or reinforced insulation throughout& without provision for Earthing . BS-EN.61140.

Class111 ) tool designed for operatingat ( Safety Extra Low Voltage ) BS-EN.61140.
Safety Extra Low Voltage ( SELV ) (- Nominal voltage not Exceeding 50Vbetween conductors . & between conductors & earth . No-load voltagenot ( Exceeding 50V )

Note 1 : The reduced low voltage system is strongly preferred forthe supply to portable hand lamps for general use portable hand tools &local lighting up ( 2kW )
Note 2 : The ( SELV ) system is ( Strongly) preferred for portablehand lamps in ( Confined ) or damp locations .

BS-EN- 60947-2 . MCCBs areadjustable – Thermal & Magnetic tripping characteristics . can be changedon the device . ( normally have to beObtained from the relevant Manufacturer )

RCDsmust conform to ( BS-4293 still on Old Sites )BS-EN- 61008 or 61009 .

OnExisting Installations . ( Integrity ofCables )

p/17. Regulation 131.2.2. 2392-10 .

Goeson to confirm that . in connection with Fault Protection . the application ofthe method of ( ProtectiveEquipotential Bonding ) is ONE of the important Principles for Safety .

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