View the thread, titled "***Cont../ Useful Information for Electricians & Apprentices***" which is posted in Australia on Electricians Forums.



O.S.G.. The use of other methods’ of determining Maximum Demand is Not Precludedwhere Specified by the Installation Designer

FirstlyI make no Apologies for the Way am Writing on any Matters . it can be a first day Apprentice or some one Needing aJog of Memory .
Sowe are all in the Same Boat . “ To Learn “

For the Apprentices . The Day we stop learning is the Day we hang Upour Tool-Bag

CookerDesign Current Calculations

Thefirst thing you have to do is get Your Head around the Calculations !!

(From a Design point of View ) 2392-10

DomesticInstallation Oven(s) & Hob(s) are to be Calculated upon their MAXIMUM LOADING
Startwith a simple Calculation ( An Oven has a rating of 2kW ) 2000

(I = P/V ) Formula … I = 2000 ÷ 230V = 8.70A …. Weare Using the Unit Amps

2392-10/ Domestic Installation Oven(s)

Ovenhas 4 Rings ( 2 x 1kW ) & ( 2 x 1.5kW ) & Grill ( 2kW ) & Oven (3kW )

-Controlled via a CookerSwitch with a Socket outlet .

Asa Designer . we’ll have to Apply Diversity ??

Important )- Diversity allowance to be Applied to the FULL LOAD CURRENT for CookingAppliances .

TheO.S.G. is telling us . Purpose of the Final Circuit fed from theConductors )
O.S.G.Table 1B p/97 – column (3) Cooking Appliances → At the Top of the Page Note : Type ofPremises ( 2392-10 → Household Installations ) Domestic Installation(s)

DomesticInstallation(s) Only O.S.G. - 10A + 30% f.l – Full Load ) of connected Cooking Appliances in the Excess of 10A+ 5A if a socket-outlet is incorporated in the Control Unit . ( C.C.U. ) – 45A + 13A Socket Switched with Neon .

Fromyour point of View ( The First 10A ofthe rated current plus 30% of the reminder ( Plus) 5A if the Control Unit incorporates s Socket.

Calculations)- You bank “ Hold OFF“ the first 10 Amps of the Maximum Load Current )
The10A will be used at the End of the Calculations’

-So your Work out the Total Power Rating & then calculate the Full Load Current

Calculations)- Power = ( 2 x 1 ) + ( 2 x 1.5 ) + ( 2+ 3 ) = 10kW

I= 10000 ÷ 230V = 43.48A … round it up to the first four numbers43.47826087 ( 48 ) 43.48A

UsingDiversity allowance stated ↑↑ ( 43.48A sub 10A = 33.48A )

I= 33.48 x 30 ÷ 100 = 10.04A

Youradding the ( 5A ) for Socket outlet . I = 10A + 10.04 + 5A = 25.04A )- Asa Designer this is your Expected Current Demand .

Remember )- Supply Cables Rated to suit DesignCurrent ( Iz ) :)
Testing . .

ElectricalInstallation Condition Report . ( EICR )
Amendment No 1 –BS07671:2008 . reporting of periodicinspection & testing .

Full . ( EICR) documentation comprises .

ElectricalInstallation Condition Report .
Schedule ofInspections ( one or more )
Schedule of Test results . ( one or more )

Exams : On completion of . periodic inspection &testing . this ( EICR ) & itsaccompanying . Schedule of Inspections .& Schedule of Test results . mustbe given to the . Client or Person . who ordered the Inspection .

A most importantpoint to . remember is that any damage . deterioration . defects . Part 2- dangerous conditions &non-compliance with BS-7671: that may give rise to danger ( danger being a riskor injury to persons or livestock ) mustbe recorded on the report .

Testing . . 2392-10 . Exam’s Q/As

EarthFault Loop Impedance Testers:

ETC. : To minimise . Electric Shock . hazard from the potential of the protectiveconductor . the [ Test durationshould be within safe limits ] this means that the . instrument should cut [ OFF ] the test current after [ 40mS ] or atime determined by . the safety limits .

EarthFault Loop Impedance Testers: Exams : BS-EN-61557-3 .

InitialVerification – ( Inspection & Testing ) forms .

Following an . InitialVerification . or [ Additionor Alteration to an ExistingInstallation ] an (EIC ) is required to be completed &issued together with . InspectionSchedules . & Test results Schedules.

There are twooptions . for ( EIC ) provided . form 1 : or form 2 : .

Form 1 : - Shortform of ( EIC ) to beused when . ONE person is responsible for the. design . construction . inspection & testing of an installation .
From 2 : - ( EIC ) Three signatoryversion . from appendix 6 – BS-7671 .

Whichever . ( EIC ) isused . appropriate numbers of the following forms are required to . accompanythe Certificate .

Form 3 – Schedule ofInspections’ .
Form 4 – Generic . Scheduleof Test results .

For completeness .two samples of typical completed from 4s [ Schedule of test results ] areincluded . One . being for a Single-phase installation . & the other for a Three-phase installation .

2392-10 . this isthe kind of things -&-s will beasking you . which for ? . Single-phase / Three-phase installation.
Point . to note: p/389 . Certification & Reporting .
( x ) Additionalforms may be required as . clarification . if needed by . Ordinary persons . or inexpansion . for larger or more complex installations .
Two thing spring tomind . -&-s . 2392-10

The . Minor WorkCertificate . is intended to be used for . Alterations or Additions . to an [ Installation thatdo not extended to the provision of a NEW Circuit ]

This Certificatemay also be used for the .
replacement ofequipment such as accessories or luminaires , but not for the replacement of . distributionboards . or similar items . [ Appropriateinspection & testing . however . should always becarried out irrespective of the extent of the work undertaken . ] -&-s

Description of ( MWs)

The minor work mustbe so described that the work that is the subject of the Certificate . can bereadily identified .

120.3. & 133.5.
No departures areto be expected except in most . unusual circumstances . 633.1.

Installationdetails .
Method of faultprotection must be clearly identified .Automatic disconnection of supply . ADS

If the existinginstallation lacks either an effective means of earthing or adequate . mainequipotential bonding conductors . this must be clearly stated in the spaceprovided – 633.2.

Recorded departures. form BS-7671 . may constitute . non-compliance with the . Electricity Safety. Quality & Continuity Regulations – 2002 . as amended . or the Electricity at Work Regulations 1989 . it is important that the Client isadvised immediately in Writing .

Essential Tests .
Relevant provisionsof part 6 . Inspection & Testing –BS-7671 . must be applied in full to all ( MWs )

Where asocket-outlet is added to an existing circuit . it is necessary to :
i) establish that the earthing contact of thesocket-outlet is connected to the ( MET)
ii) measure the ( IR ) of the circuit that has been added to . &establish that it complies with Table 61 .
iii) measure the EarthFault Loop Impedance . to establish that themaximum permitted disconnection time is [Not Exceeded ]
iv) Check that the polarity of the socket-outletis correct .
v) if the work is protected by an . RCD . verifythe effectiveness of the ., RCD .
Inyour own words state what we mean by “ Basic protection “ & how is itachieved :

GN-3. 2012
Basic protection .
Sect– 416 . 416.2.
Ismost usually provided by [Insulation ] & or [ Enclosures ] the inspection of this measure is to check that insulation has not beendamaged during installation & that [Enclosures ] have been selected for atleast . IPXXB or IP2X .& for top surfaces . at leastIPXXD or IPX4 . & are not damaged .

(IR ) is of course a fundamental test to be carried Out .

Inyour own words state what we mean by “ fault protection “ & how is it achieved .

Faultprotection by ( ADS )
Summaryof RCD requirements :
AnRCD should be cable of disconnecting allLine conductors at substantially the same time .
AnRCD cannot be used for fault protection on it’s own .

AnRCD on it’s own does not provide protection against overcurrents .
Overcurrentprotection is provided by a [ fuse or miniature circuit breaker – MCB] Exams’ . Combined :- RCD & MCB . RCBOs

RCCBs. BS-EN-61008-1 . p/34 .
Residual current operated circuit/breaker . [ Without integral overcurrent protection] for it’s time – household &similar uses

RCBOs. BS-EN-61009-1 . p/34 .
Residual current operated circuit/breaker . [ With integral overcurrent protection ] – household & similar uses .

Basicprotection : can be achieved by either preventing the current from passingthrough a body or by limiting the valueof the current to a non-hazardous level .
Faultprotection : can be achieved by similarmethods . but also by reducing the time the body is exposed to the fault .therefore aiming to reduce the time to a non-hazardous level .

Theprotective measure available :

Automaticdisconnection of supply – ( ADS )

Basicprotection 411.2.: can be achieved by either preventing the current from passing through a body or by limiting the value of thecurrent to a non-hazardous level .
To achieve basic protection the electrical equipmentmust rather employ the requirements of basic insulation of Live parts . – 416.1. :

Live parts . such as energizedconductors . must not be accessible . &
Conductiveparts . which are accessible suchas “ Metal pipes “ must not be hazardous Live .

610.1. it should be noted the regulation 610.1.requires inspection & testing to be carried out during the erection stageof the installation . as well as on completion .

Verification ofPolarity : Single-pole device in a TN- or TT system .
Must be verifiedthat . single-pole devices for protection or switching are installed in lineconductors only .

Inyour own words state what we mean by “ fault protection “ & how is it achieved .

GN-3 :
Fault Protection .
The various methodsof fault protection are classified in a number of [ subsections ] BS-7671 -

Sect 411 . –418.1.
Automaticdisconnection of supply – ( ADS )
Method 1 : ( ADS )
For each circuit .automatic disconnection is required & . although the main part of .Verification is measurements of earth fault loop Impedance in order to confirm sdisconnectiontimes . there are inspection aspects to consider for verifying ( ADS ) follows :

2392-10 .
542.3. Earthing conductor .
Sect – 543 .Circuit protective conductors .
Sect – 544 .protective bonding conductors .
- Mainbonding conductors .
- Supplementary bonding conductors . where required.

312.2. The earthing system must be determined .
TN-C-S . - Protective multiple earthing – ( PME )
TN-S system .
TT system – Earth Electrode(s).
Fused connectionunit :
Correct rating& fuse – 533.1.
Complies withBS-1363-4 – 559.6.1.1. – vii .

Cooker control unit.
- Sited to one side& low enough for accessibility & to prevent flexes trailing across radiant plates – 522.2.1.
- Cable to cookerfixed to prevent strain on connections – 522.8.5.

Test Method 2 : (R[SUP]2 [/SUP] )
Test Method 1: ( R[SUP]1[/SUP] + R[SUP] 2 [/SUP])

Radial circuit oflength about 55m with 2.5mm[SUP]2 [/SUP] Line & protective conductors should havean ( R[SUP]1[/SUP] + R[SUP] 2 [/SUP]) résistance .
Length of circuit –55m
Résistance of cableis . 7.41 mΩ/m ( at 20°C)
Theoretical minimum d.c. résistance = ( 55 x 2 x7.41 ) / 1000 = 0.82Ω
Additions &Alterations .

132.16. Every addition & alteration to an existinginstallation must comply with the current edition of BS-7671 . & must notimpair the safety of the existing installation . in this respect . in order to verify that the addition & alterationto an electrical installation complies with BS-7671 . the existing installation must beinspected & tested to confirm the safety of the addition & alteration . 633.1. 633.2.

- Protective conductorcontinuity .
- Earth fault loopimpedance .

633.2. Whilst there is no obligation to inspect & test any part of the existinginstallation that does not affect & is not affected by the addition & alteration. observed departures are required to be noted in the comments box . of ( EIC ) single-signature . or multiple-signature . &minor work certificates .

Recording the .Prospective Fault Current . ( PFC )

Both the ( EIC ) & the ( EICR ) contain a box headed . Nature of Supply Parameters . . whichrequires the . ( PFC ) at the [ Origin ] to be recorded .
The value to berecorded is the . Greater of either the short-circuit current . – between liveconductors . or the earth fault current . between line conductor(s) . & the. ( MET )

if it is considered necessary to record values atother relevant points . they can be . recorded on the . Schedule of Test Results . where the protective devices used . at theOrigin have the necessary rated breaking capacity . & devices with similar breakingcapacity are used throughout the installation . it can be assumed that theregulations are satisfied in this respect for all . distribution boards .

PhaseSequence Testing . 612.12.

Thiscame up on Exams . 2391-10 ..

The 17[SUP]th[/SUP] Edition . introduced inregulation – 612.12. a requirement to [ Verify ] that the . phase-sequence ismaintained for multiphase circuits within an installation . in practice . thiswill be . achieved by checking polarity & connections throughout theinstallation .

Optionally& occasionally . the inspector may wish to . check phase sequence by usinga phase rotation tester . either .
- Rotating disk type . Or
- Indicator lamp type .

Verification in Medical Locations . 710 :

710.61. The installation & testing of theseinstallations is very much a . specialist area & only the general requirements of .BS-7671 . are provided in this GN- .initial verification is carried out by an inspection & functional tests ofthe isolation IT system . equipment including the . insulationmonitoring devices . testing is required to measure the . leakage current ofthe output circuit of . Medical IT isolating transformers . & measurementof the résistance of the . supplementary equipotential bonding .

Purposeof . Periodic Inspection & Testing . 621.2. is to provide an Engineering view . on whether or not theinstallation is in a satisfactory condition where it can continue to be usedSafety .


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