Today's news from me:
Over the past few days, following the example of many others, I have taken to a couple of video-conferencing thingies...I used Skype years ago but Zoom seems to be the current favourite, so I downloaded that just in time for my daughter's birthday conference/virtual party yesterday, and it went well. However, I had to use my little notebook because it has a built in camera, whereas my desktop PC doesn't have a camera. I found the screen too small, so decided to get a stand-alone webcam for the PC. Before wasting time looking online, I asked my friend, Neil, (TOP BLOKE!) for advice...he replied to my email right away saying I was going to have a struggle as most places were sold out just now, because the world and his wife have been buying webcams recently for the same reason, keeping in touch with friends/family/work etc. A quick look at some of his suggestions proved this to be the case, and one i fancied was priced at 3x the normal price, on a well-known online store, and of course they were out of stock anyway.
However, he is the most resourceful guy ever, and just happened to have a couple of spare webcams, so i chose one and he delivered it to my door in the course of his perfectly legitimate daily walk/shopping trip. I have to say that it is fantastic, far better than any webcam I have had before, and I've had a technology has advanced in a few years!
Some of you may know that I support the Men's Shed charity, but sadly we had to close our doors the very people we strive to support, however we have regular meetings online on Zoom and it is proving very popular. Today's conference took place before i got the new camera. Testing the new one, I was appalled at how i have let myself go in isolation! The new camera shows every flaw...
I have very dry skin, so if I am not going out I tend to skip shaving, doing it every 2 days I have resolved to do it every day and...yes...
My nasal hair needs more frequent pruning!
The Crash Test Dummies had a song years ago with the chorus line "One day I'll wear pyjamas in the daytime" trust me, this is not a good look for a 40+ bloke like me!
Call them "loungers" if you like, but those adverts you see on TV with a handsome young chap in his loungers and sporting a "designer stubble" is a look to which I might aspire, but it will be in vain, sadly...
Living in isolation, and on your own anyway, is ok for's the norm, except for the enforced "isolation" we are having to contend with right now. I guess daytime TV has its attractions, particularly Rachel Riley, post-baby, on Countdown, but the temptation for a wee dram can be difficult to resist when one is bored, the sun is shining, the daffodils are out and you've already had your one walk of the day.
I have, therefore, resolved that no drink will be taken before 7.
OK, this means getting up at 6:30, but the mornings are lighter now!
Also, I have at last started on my redecorating...after all, what better time to do this when stuck indoors?
So, yesterday I got the paint from the garage...
and tomorrow I will get the brushes out too...
In other news, I got an email from a friend who lives in Spain. It is a resort, and deserted in the low season. he lives on an isolated street, is the only permanent resident, and it is miles from the nearest proper town. He was walking his dog yesterday and was stopped by the police who cautioned him and told him he cannot walk more than 300 metres from his house. We never see the police there, ever...but they are certainly taking things very seriously. He thinks that because there is a long beach there, people were driving there for exercise, thus the police presence.
I hope you all are keeping well, keeping busy and staying optimistic. Please keep posting on here too! It's a bit of a life-line, frankly...after all, where else will you get daily meaningless drivel like this?