here's the facebook link I'm pushing at the moment, if people could like and share it that'd be good. It's getting a decent response so far, but still only relatively small numbers.
I'm on the national green memes committee for making facebook / twitter memes to be shared via local green party groups, so will be working up infographics for release via that medium, which should get a few tens of thousands of people, if we can get shared on the national page then that goes up to hundreds of thousands.
and will be discussing with the GP national energy spokesperson soon as well.
Sod this, I didn't campaign for 15 years to get the FIT scheme in place just to let the tories destroy the entire industry at this stage. These proposals are so obviously half baked they should be getting slaughtered for them, just got to find the key messages to get out there about it, and come up with more sensible alternative proposals - the tories have had a habit of kite flying with ridiculous measures, then rowing back on them and ending up with something not quite so bad if they create too much of a backlash. They also have a tiny majority.