We need regulations, and we need qualifications, But the regulations should be written in plain English, and easily understood by all. They should be issued by the IEE, and should be available for a nominal charge and available to anyone. they should also be published online. All skilled tradesmen should serve a five year apprenticeship with a fully trained tradesman, and should attend a minimum of three years at a college ending in a national exam. Constant retraining is a completely unnecessary scam thought up by a collusion between government job creators and the "training industry". I did my college work on the 14th edition metric reprint IEE regs (1970) it is interesting to note that some of the tables and sections of the BRB (haven't got the BGB yet, don't know if I'll bother either) have been lifted verbatim from my 14th edition. there is a lot in the BRB that is new, but there is very little that is relevant to most domestic installation that is new. An RCD is just the latest form of trip, and not a particularly reliable one. I have replaced some that have lasted less than 5 years. installing one, and indeed the wiring or rewiring a house is not rocket science, it is in fact, the very bottom of the electrical ladder. I always said you could teach a monkey to wire houses in six months, and today they can do it in 5 weeks! As I have said before, part P has nothing whatever to do with safety, according to RoSPa and the now defunct DTI, electrical accidents in the home began falling in 1962, and have fallen steadily ever since. Far from improve safety, in the long run, part P will have the opposite effect as we have a situation today where people with paper qualifications and zero experience are legally allowed to wire houses, whilst those with many years experience, and relevant qualifications are not, unless of course, they pay large amounts of cash to the scams, add to that the use of crimp connections, and spring clip junctions (you know the brands) and we have a fire hazard that will surface in about ten to twenty years time. I have just turned 60, and I am glad to be out of it! I have my tin hat on and my CoSHH fireproof fiberglass safety underwear pulled up to my ears.