I was working on upgrading a council property. I disconnected the incoming supply, removed the cut-out fuse (I am authorised to do that), removed the tails from the meter, conducted a safe isolation procedure. I was satisfied the supply to the property was dead and work commenced to replace the consumer unit and all sockets and switches. When I got to the last socket of the job I received an electric shock. On further investigation I discovered power was being illegally diverted into the premises by the tenants from the hallway communal supply. I am now being -------ed for this. What did I do wrong?? Should I have been testing each and every socket and switch as I went along as I am being told? After removing the main supply fuse, removing the tails from the meter, ripping the board off the wall, do you still go around with your approved voltage indicator to every point. That is a bit pethatic is it not?