I doubt the poll is anything close to accurate across the whole UK population, the forum members are predominantly from the working/middle class. From what I've seen most of the polls are pretty close to a 50/50 split. https://ig.ft.com/sites/brexit-polling/
I did a bit of scratching around to see the arguments for staying in a for exiting. I haven't lived in the UK since half way through the Thatcher years so much of the finer points of the arguments on both sides were lost on me but the one thing I did notice is how differently the two campaigns are structured.
You've got the exit side pointing to many of the UK's current woes and saying how these would improve if you were out of the EU.
Then you've got the stay side who don't seem to be pointing to much apart from fear mongering about numerous years of reduced trade and possible recession. The biggest worry for me is that most of the noise about how UK should stay in the EU is coming from other countries. Everyone from France to the US to the G7 leaders seem to want the UK to stay. Obviously none of the above are looking out for anyone other than themselves so to me it looks like remaining is definately doing everyone else a big favour but I'm not seeing any evidence it would actually be good for the UK.
A couple of reports out last week stated Germany would suffer badly from Brexit, one from a German bank has predicted Britain leaving the EU will cost the German economy almost £35 billion plunging the country into financial disrepair, the other from a leading credit insurer Euler Hermes who are based in Paris, according to Euler Hermes the German car industry would suffer a £1.5billion (€2bn) blow and the country's mechanical engineers and chemical industry would lose out on almost £1bn each, with this much at stake why did Dave achieve so little while renegotiating Britains position in the EU.
The infamous dumbest pirrock stumped the in campaign lol .... you can't really get worse than that :shocked3:
Reply to the thread, titled "EU Brexit - How will you vote given the latest "news"" which is posted in Electrician Talk Forum on Electricians Forums.