It's called character and we all have one and that's what makes us get along or not.
This 'mindi' in the video is just describing being a human being and not a robot.
So many of school age and university age are being brainwashed into these ideas pandering to the agenda for those that want to make trouble for society and government. This brainwashing is causing tendencies such as suicide. Kids don't know who they are now because they are being told what they should be at such a young vulnerable age. And keep toilets separate for heavens sake!
You are male or female that's what your DNA says in every, every cell of your body.
Everybody wants an identity but they want one that makes them stand out and this also makes them very intolerant of anyone who disagrees.
I don't go on marches and placard my way around town, why should they?
I don't know where this is all headed and quite frankly I'm not interested in them. They are the naughty kids in school that had the most attention whilst the ones that wanted to get on suffered.
Sit down, shut up and work to make this country a greater place to live in or go somewhere else.
Have a good weekend everyone.