I used to feel guilty charging £30ph now after reading this thread I dont.Not being big headed but I know I can do my job so why shouldnt I be well paid for it.We are worth it!
You shouldn't feel guilty. Think what a solicitor would change for writing a letter. £50 upwards and is done by an assistant in about 15 minutes. No visit to site, not stuck in traffic etc.
You sparks who have worked for employers say on £16 per hour, when you set up on your own you charge £16 per hour to your customers or not much more. Did you think your ex employer wasn't making money out of you? If he wasn't then why was he employing you in the first place?
Another way to think of this.
If you were very busy and decided to employ an electrician yourself and pay him £16 per hour then you could not charge the customer £16 per hour as you would loose money. On top of this you will need to pay employer National Insurance Contributions, have employer liability insurance and pay him his bank holidays and annual leave which are non productive days for you. You need to charge at least 60% on top of his hourly rate, in this case £25.60 p/h.
That's to cover your employer cost, then you have to make a profit and put a % aside for new vehicles, tools etc. and a profit for your business. So based on this you are looking at £30 min per man hour that you should charge be it an employee of your self. If two of you are on site that's £60 per hour you charge your customer. Your company profits should be around 25% of the total charged to your customer. This is for reinvestment, depreciation, training etc.
You should put at least 10% on top of materials to but I am not going into that. Lets stick to labour only for this example.
I can't see what is guilt about this it is straight forward sums to run a business.
Another way, if you did a rewire costed at say £2300, £300 materials and £2000 labour which is reasonable depending on house type etc. then assume it takes 4 days for 2 sparks, that's 32 hours on site, but 64 man hours in total which equates to:
£2000/32hours= £62.5 per hour (what you charge your customer)
£2000/64man hours= £31.25 per hour per man. (what you charge your customer)
Take away your (basic) wage of £25 per hour = £6.25 profit x 32h =£200
You employees wages and cost to you @ £20 per hour = £11.25 profit x 32h =£360
Company profit = £560 = approx 25% of £2300 the target profit you should be working to.
(Your basic pay of £25 per hour has to take account of unpaid work such as paper work and quotes etc so in reality you don't get £25 p/h of hours actually worked) remember this!
So when you look at a cost of a typical rewire and break it down the figures work out similar. Now do you still feel guilty??
Like I said in my previous post you have to be a business man first electrician second.
The sparks who don't do there sums run around in old tatty vans.
The good businessmen sparks who do there sums have new vans.
Hope this helps
Mazdaman striving for reasonable pay for sparks.