Did Telectrix wire up Newbury race course?
Did Telectrix wire up Newbury race course?
Sorry mate the horses were still in the paddock being walked around on the rubber mat and when they left the rubber mat for the track it happened just before the jockeys were about to mount. The metal bits that goes between their mouth were hot and burnt the horses mouths as well.
Yeah, I just find it odd that no other horse was affected, nor any people. You do know how doped up those horses are sometimes. I reckon there's a much greater chance that they were both given an accidental OD at roughly the same time. Thats my theory anyway.
Rocker......we will speak about the salt soon mate. I tried to start a new thread earlier but couldn't spell the word I needed to spell so I gave up. Basically, I caught a Mullet just under 10 pounds last summer in my local eastery, err, eustory, err estory. Laugh. Free lining bread on a size 10.
tonys. im on your side buddy.
right, 100 lugworm waiting to get drowned. See ya guys. This is a great site.
Large 4 legged animals are at much greater risk than humans from live cables touching the ground.
When an underground cable is cut the potential field reduces very quickly around it.
If you think of a human standing, even barefoot, on the ground their feet are so close together that they will be at almost the same potential. Therefore only a very small current would flow and it would be up one leg and straight down the other, not close to the heart.
If you think of a horse walking often it will have one front and one rear leg off the ground at the same time. The two legs on the ground are sufficiently far apart to be at considerably different potentials therefore a much larger current will flow and the route of the current can take it across the heart - killing it.
When a power line comes down in a field it can kill all the big animals and yet humans/small animals walking near it can be completely unaffected. [And of course we are not normally walking around barefoot anyway]
edit : started to reply about half an hour ago then had to make the wife tea and then the phone rang - just seen that i am repeating a bit of what Tony said
Hmm, so maybe it was electricity afterall, I still fail to see however why the electricity would travel up one leg and down the other of any animal when my understanding has always been that it always takes the shortest path to earth. Also, how would the electricity energise something that isn't forming part of its circuit? It would be the equivalent of me jumping up and for the short while im in mid air, touching a live cable. I wouldn't get an electric shock regardless of the potential difference, well, theoretically anyway. Am I wrong?