Looks TNC-S from the picture. Also supply is looped?
OP Any reason for the CT Clamp on the tails? Is it because it is a looped supply?
If you are thinking of adding anything later you might want to look into getting un looped whilst you are doing this work.
You have a 60A supply so you will probably be ok if the hot tub definitely isn't an addition to the shower (with what loads are showing in the picture). Otherwise you may need an upgrade and to do that most certainly you will need unlooping.
The CT clamp makes me think there is some sort of throttling going on but then again it doesn't look like you have much connected? 4 circuits and the Shower? Storage Heaters are out but even if they were in you would discount them for Maximum Demand as they would be on over night.
The rating of your proposed hot tub will have a bearing on all the above.
I know some insist on tt others just make a statement on instruction manual all works to be carried out in accordance with the latest bs7671 wiring regs etc.Where is the hot tub going to be located ?
Does the manufacture say anything with regard to earthing.
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