Thank you for your response my friend mister
I had numerous problems with my breadboard contacts and wires as well. I do not have the money for fancy wires like yours. I made some multiwires wire like you have, using simple scrap wires, pins from dead components, especially leds, which have that nice square leg profile, solder and heatshrink rubber. I build 2 black and 2 red like that for more than 5 years and I had using them extensively. Never broke ! I also have a kit of pre-bended solid wires for breadboards, in which I trust very much, but is a bit harder to use them on too much agglomerated circuits. Because these limitations, I learned to build on modules. You heard of them? Haha. Me and my humor, ei?
I got surprised I can not find the exact model colors I have. These are very diferent color coded. I think mine are prettier. Or I am just simply too used to them. But this type of wires I use. Very secure very robust. The breadboard is giving signs of unsure connections in some specific spots that i didnt find yet. I put some larger diameter wire for sure and that widened the little clamp inside some holes. But is a little percentage damaged and I can live with it though I have an eye on it all the time when something goes south and it shouldn't.
I didnt do much as well. I just happily use it. Im telling to myself this is a usage test so... it already passed probably 1 week of usage the entire board. And is working more than fine. Excellent. I'll have to play with the remote control for the next module. That part is easy since I have some already made modules from mister ebay. I will try them first and if something goes south, ill go into more experimental remotes. I hope not.
Now...I have a quest for you. It is purely a... design problem. Or connection problem. I want to hear a "tick" from a 5V buzzer. There are 2 types and I have both. The passive ad active buzzers. I was stupid to take the passive ones first and then discovered the active ones existed. But now Im thinking to add a tick sound for each 1-10 pin activation and using a passive buzzer that only make a "tick" when is getting voltage on it. Is how I am planning at this point but I must make tests. Maybe the active buzzers are the solution. We will see. SO your quest is to tell me how you will link another 10 wires on the already finished board as it is. Draw on top of it or just explain, just make me understand your solution. So, understand me well, im asking you not the circuit how should be, but the wiring. Because if the wiring goes to hell, and becomes too complicated, then I will not build anything about sound, indiferent of how much I would love to hear it. This is plan A. If plan A succeeds, plan B is to create, built and test the sound circuit.
Thank you for your understanding and help, mister
@marconi .