Get the exam pass book, it basically talks you through it. Tells you exactly how to interpret each question, how long to spend depending upon the format of the question, how to save time, how to abrieviate answers, etc. However, they fall apart after a few weeks. Designed to self destruct so you do not sell it on ebay.
I have one, cost £17, yours for only £8 inc postage!!! But mostly loose leaf now, but clean as a daisy. If fact, I will throw in a few past papers too. Out of the non regs books I bought, it was the only one that was worth it, the rest were a waste of money. GN3 and OSG, they are the course, keep them by the loo or where you read most.
IMHO, know the testing order of every type of circuit backwards, how to safe iso, testing selv, RCD tests, and always remember to remove temporary links when you answer. You will be 60% there. And do the 2382 first as it prepares you for the section of min/max/ip/40ms type of questions, and is easy anyway. Most of all, read the question twice, they are tricky and worded to confuse or mislead, the answer is often easier than it appears. The idea is to force you to think.