So I decided to ask some questions from them to clarify a few things and this was the response.
Me.What was the setup regarding tests is it just a sample test done or a full inspection are previous test reports normally available.
Company.It is a full test and inspection of 100% unless we state otherwise i.e 20% test over 5 years, I would say 50% of jobs previous reports are provided, as you can imagine some clients have lost their previous reports or have never had it tested.
Me.What is the situation if im unable to do the required 40 tests in a day for instance im sent to a property there is 40 circuits to test but du to the property being occupied or certain restrictions I can only do 30 would I be allotted time another day to complete would it go as a general limitation and id move on or would it be a case of I need to get it done no matter how much of my time it takes I only ask as to do 40 id be looking at 12 minutes a test assuming all 40 are on one site and that’s a lot less the the NICEIC state 30 minute average I only ask as I don’t want to cut corners and jeopardise myself or the company as ive looked down the barrel of the HSE blame gun I was completely innocent but its scary stuff and can end careers and crush even the biggest of companies...
Company.We spend 15-20 minutes to verify a circuit, if the circuit is not found after this time it will be marked as unverified. If the job was bad and 40 was not accomplishable (Some jobs like old factory’s are like this as all the wiring is old) we would send you back the next day if needed. Most engineers would work on to finish as it would be cutting into the bonus for the next day.
Me.On average how long are the guys on site so start in the morning and finish in the evening excluding travel to get the base 40 done and using your example what sort of hours are guys doing to get 60 done.
Company..Engineers usually work 8am-4:30pm, this can vary though. Depending on the type of job depends on how many circuits will be complete on that day.
Me.What is the situation regarding the test are full tests expected or only sample tests done.
Company.We always do full tests if full access is available, If not there will be certain limitations agreed with the client beforehand.
Minutes in a eight hour day: 60x8=480 minutes
Minutes a day spend searching for circuits (five minutes per circuit): 40x5=200 minutes
Time left to do any testing: 280 minutes a day
Tests to be carried out:
1x visual inspection / sampling
3x ring continuity checks
1x R1+R2 or R2 check
3-4 x insulation resistance checks
1x polarity check
1x earth loop impedance check
2x RCD trip times checks
1x RCD test button check
Total items per circuit = 14
Assuming you only have to carry out half of them = 7
Total number of tests to be carried out in one day = 7x40=280
Time for testing (280 minutes)
÷ Total number of tests (280) = 1 minute per tested circuit (This would have to include all the paper work)
You know what you should have done? You should have made them an offer they couldn’t refuse.:biggrinjester:
Company: It is a full test and inspection of 100% unless we state otherwise.
You: If this is such a good idea, you go out and do the test and inspections and I will stay here and talk a lot of **** for you!