Exactly, I am fully aware of the difference and I do not appreciate you saying I don’t understand the relevance. This is an industrial installation however extension leads are being used (quite frequently) to add equipment to the production. So I am assessing what requires changing and what does not.
Perhaps if I explain in more detail the installation we are discussing it will clear things up. It is an electronics factory producing PCB's and various other things. So at any one place on the line you can expect to come across large three phase machinery in addition to standard 230v appliances like PC's Monitors and test equipment.
The problem has been caused when the line has expanded outside of its original design requirements, instead of installing additional outlet correctly rated for the appliances to be used extensions have been added to allow the extra appliances to be connected.
You have made assumptions about myself and the job which are incorrect, however I do realise you are working from limited information so perhaps this explains why.
Just so you are aware I am fully qualified industrial electrician who carries out installation work regularly not just a fool with a P.A.T tester.
"And anything that is altered or modified, as to be rendered as now being none standard, needs careful assessment!!"
That is exactly what I am trying to discuss with this thread.