I was changing an extractor fan today and while I was there noticed the set-up he had for his shed: 2 x s/o + 1 fluorescent light via a junction box in the shed, what looks like 2.5mm SWA down the small garden into a box on the outside of the house then through into the living room to a 13A RCD plug plugged into a living room socket.
I wanted to tell him that it all seemed a bit of a bodge but couldn't think of what was actually unsafe about it. Any ideas what I could say to him next time I see him (assuming that 'it doesn't seem right' won't make the grade)?
I wanted to tell him that it all seemed a bit of a bodge but couldn't think of what was actually unsafe about it. Any ideas what I could say to him next time I see him (assuming that 'it doesn't seem right' won't make the grade)?