There is a colleague at work that is very PC. She doesn't like stereo typing, or any kind of discrimination, she really preaches it too as part of her job. But in her office she has a flyer that says, "Lady only taxi's" and another one saying "Lady only Mechanics"!!! Oh the irony!!lol
Although I do remember a Yorkie advert a few years ago. At the end of the add a deep male voice said, "It's not for girls"...or something to that effect.
They don't see it when it's the other way round. I remember Harriet Harman on one of the Sunday politics shows a few months back, and she was bleating on about equality at the top of government. She was asked if the prime minister was a male, does there have to be a female second in command "absolutely" she replied. He then said, "if the prime minister is a woman, does there have to be a male second in command then?" Her reply was "not necessarily..." And that, as far as I'm concerned, renders her entire argument dead. Same as the "civil (black)" rights movement, it's not equality that they want, it's superiority, and constant recognition.