? Do I just choc block it and make safe
thanks feebs73
Yes you only need L,N,E for the safety valve
? Do I just choc block it and make safe
thanks feebs73
Hi Chris
This is my fault, yes there are two jobs that i am talking about
1, is the standard s plan with the extra zone valve (on the hw) fitted to the cylinder, ( so called safety valve) this one is causing the debate.
2, this is another job I have to wire up this is a s plan plus,3 storey house, ground floor is UFH 1st floor has a separate zone valve and stat , 2nd floor has a separate zone valve and stat,
The confusion is I was asking, as they are both s plans pressurised systems, I was woundering why job 2 has not got 2 zone valve attached to the cylinder just the 1, when I asked the plumber he said no you only fit them on a mid position valve Y plan. He than showed me the ( forgive me but It looks like a over flow witch had 2x15mm pipe into 2inch plastic waste pipe) and said that deals with any excess pressure.
I was asking for help as I have never come across this extra zone valve on the hw system (safety valve) before if it is such an important part of the install why cant I find it on any wiring diagram? I would of thought it would of been easy to find it. Even the diagram you posted didn't have the extra have it on there.
I started the other thread to see if I could catch anyone's attention, sorry for the confusion.
I hope this clears things up a bit
I would like to thank everyone personally that is taking time to read these threads and replying to me
Thanks once again all the advise is much appreciated, feebs73
On an unvented installation there must be a 2 port valve, spring assisted fail to closed position, (not motored closed) wired via the cylinder overtemp stat to prevent over heating of the cylinder.
The manufacturer has to provide this as part of the kit supplied with the cylinder, the manufacturers instructions will say a 2 port valve must be fitted.
The confusion arises when the cylinder is piped up.
If the heating system already has a 2 port valve on the flow to the cylinder, as long as this is wired via the overtemp stat on the cylinder and is spring closed, it will comply. 2nd 2 port valve is not required.
If it has a 3 port (mid position) valve there must be a 2 port fitted as well because the 3port can fail open.
Plumbers /heating engineers will sometimes not look at the whole picture and just see that a 2 port has to be fitted close to the cylinder.
Tried to make this a simple explanation, but it won't work.